Powdery mildew in Okra


  • The disease is found mainly on the older leaves and stems of plants.
  • Increased humidity favours the disease and infection is enhanced during periods of heavy dew.
  • The disease symptoms appear as small, round, whitish spots on leaves and sometimes on stems.
  • The spots enlarge and coalesce rapidly and a white mass resembling talcum powder becomes evident on the upper surface of the older leaves or other plant parts.
  • Young leaves are almost immune.
  • Heavily infected leaves become yellow then become dry and brown.
  • Extensive premature defoliation of the older leaves takes place.


Spray wettable sulphur 80% WP 50gm/15lit of water at fortnight interval.

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Control of Fruit fly in Bitter Gourd


  • Egg are 1 to 1.5mm long whitish in colour, elongate cylindrical in shape. Slightly curved and tapering at both ends.
  • Full grown maggot are 5 to 10 mm. long cylindrical in shape, tapering an teriorly an blunt at posterior end and pole white in colour.
  • Pupae are 5 to 8mm long, barrel shaped and brown to ochraceous in colour.
  • Adult fly has reddish brown body with transparent and shiny wings. Bearing yellow- brown streaks.
  • Adult fly are 4 to 5mm long having a wings expanse of 11 to 13 and 14 to 16mm in males and females respectively.


  • The maggot burrow in to the fruits and suck the sap.
  • Infested fruit decay and drop.
  • The fly mainly prefers tender fruits for egg laying.
  • Ovipositional punctures caused by adults also cause injury on fruits and fruit juice oozes out.
  • This also results in distorted and malformed.
  • The maggots feed on the pulp of fruits as well as on the immature seeds and cause premature dropping of fruits.


  • Collected and destroy infected fruits.
  • To prevent egg laying fly traps (Pheromons traps) can be set up in the yield with 1%methyl Engenol or Cintronella oil or vinegar or dextrose or Acetic acid or laetic acid.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10cm in cucurbit field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Soil incorporation of cabaryl 10% dust can be made in fruit fly endemic areas.
  • Spraying of Dichlorovas @3ml/lit of water at fortnightly intervals.
  • Deep ploughing to expose hibernating stages.

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Management of Anthracnose in Frenchbean


  • Leaves, stem, and pods of French bean are susceptible to infection.
  • Small reddish-brown, slightly sunken spot form on the pods and rapidly develop into large, dark-suken lesion.
  • In moist weather, masses of pink spores develop on these lesions.
  • Black sunken spots, similar to those on the pods are produced on the stem and left stalks.
  • Infection of the leaves causes blacking along the veins particularly on the under surface.


  • Use disease free certified seed.
  • Do not grow French bean for at least two years in the same land that has carried on infected crop.
  • Remove and destroy the disease infected French bean plants to check the spread of disease.
  • Seed treatment with carbendazim 3gm/kg seed.
  • Weekly spray with Mancozeb 3 gm/litre or chlorothalonil 2 gm/litre of water from first leaf stage till the pods mature.

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Management of Little Leaf in Brinjal



  • The leaves of the infection in the early stages are light yellow in colour.
  • The leaves show a reduction in size and are malformed.
  • Disease affected plants are generally shorter in bearing a large number of branches, roots and leaves then healthy plants.
  • The petioles, axil of leaves and internodes get shortened thus giving the plants a bushy appearance.
  • Flower parts are deformed leading the plants to be sterlile.
  • Infected plants do not bear any fruits.


  • Use barriers of trap crops.
  • Remove and destroy infected plants.
  • The sowing time can be adjusted to avoid the main flight of the beet leaf hopper.
  • Spraying of Dimethoate 2ml per litre of water has been recomended for vector control.

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Happy Republic Day

On this special day

Let’s promise our mother land that

we will do everything

to enrich and preserve our heritage

our ethos and our treasure.

Happy Republic Day From Gramophone team

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Control of Early Blight of Tomato

  • The fungus attacks the foliage causing characteristics leaf spots and blight.
  • Small, isolated, scattered pore brown spot appear on the leaf.
  • Fully developed spots are irregular, brown, to dark brown in colour and with concentric ring (2-5mm ) inside the spot.
  • Symptoms start from the lowest leaves and progress upward.


  • Spray 2 g Mancozeb 75 WP + 10 g urea per litre of water at 15 days interval when symptoms start or Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP @ 50 Gm/15 litre water or Copper oxychloride 50% WP@ 50 Gm/ 15 litre water.

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Control of Leaf Miner in Cowpea

Leaf Miner in Cowpea:-


  • The adults are small delicate flies about 1/6 inch in length.
  • They are black and yellowish colour.
  • Eggs are round, microscopic and vary in colour from yellow to white.
  • The larvae, white yellowish coloration near the head are about 1/6 inch when fully grown.


  • A female lays about 300 to 400 eggs thrusting these in to leaf tissues with the help of sharp and pointed ovipositor.
  • On hatching the maggots mines the leaves in a zigzag fashion feeding on mesophyll with in these mines.
  • The infestation of this fly can easily be recognized by the presence of shiny whitish streaks on the leaves against the green background.
  • Adults puncture the leaves and feed on exuding sap.
  • The flowering and fruiting capacity of in infested plants is adversely affected.


  • Spray the crop with Dichlorovos (2 ml/lit) +Neem oil (2 Ml/litre ) or Cartap hydrochloride 75 SG (1.5 gm/Litre) of water at fortnight intervals starting from 25 days after sowing to control the pest.

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Prevention of Collar rot in chilli


  • The lower portion of the stem is affected from the soil borne inoculums.
  • Decortication is the main symptom.
  • Exposure and necrosis of underlying tissues may lead to collapse of the plant.
  • Near the ground surface on the stem may be seen the mycelia.
  • Lack of plant vigour accumulation of water around the stem and mechanical injuries help in development of this disease.


  • Destroy of debris of diseased plants.
  • Crop rotation and ensure good drainage.
  • Sowing of seeds on raised nursery beds.
  • Treating seeds with Carbendazim @ 2 gm/ kg seeds before sowing.
  • Soil drenching with Carbendazim 3 gm or Metalaxyl  + Mancozeb 3 Gm per litre of water.

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Control of Fusarium Wilt in Bottle Gourd


  • In young seedling, cotyledons drop and wither.
  • Older plants wilt suddenly and vascular bundles at the collar regions show brown discoloration.


  • Use resistant cultivars.
  • Give hot water treatment to seed at 55OC for 30 Minutes.
  • Drenching of carbendazim 3 Gm/litre.
  • Crop rotation reduces the severity of the disease.

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Healthy and Excellent Crop of Chickpea

Name of Farmer :- Kalyan Patel

Village + tehsil:- Depalpur

District:- Indore

State:- Madhya Pradesh

कल्याण जी ने 10 एकड़ का चना लगाया है जिसमे इन्होने प्रोपिकोनाजोल 25% EC का स्प्रे साथ में एक विश्वसनीय कम्पनी का ज़ाईम का स्प्रे ग्रामोफ़ोन के अनुसार किया अभी चना बहुत बढ़िया है कोई बीमारी नहीं आई है फुल अच्छे लगे है |
