Prevention of Collar rot in chilli


  • The lower portion of the stem is affected from the soil borne inoculums.
  • Decortication is the main symptom.
  • Exposure and necrosis of underlying tissues may lead to collapse of the plant.
  • Near the ground surface on the stem may be seen the mycelia.
  • Lack of plant vigour accumulation of water around the stem and mechanical injuries help in development of this disease.


  • Destroy of debris of diseased plants.
  • Crop rotation and ensure good drainage.
  • Sowing of seeds on raised nursery beds.
  • Treating seeds with Carbendazim @ 2 gm/ kg seeds before sowing.
  • Soil drenching with Carbendazim 3 gm or Metalaxyl  + Mancozeb 3 Gm per litre of water.

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