कपास की कीमतों में बढ़ोतरी के आसार

27% बढ़ सकता है कॉटन एक्सपोर्ट :- चीन द्वारा अमरीका से आयातित उत्पादों पर आयात शुल्क लगा देने से अमरीकन कपास मंहगी हो गई है| इसलिए चीन ने हाल में भारत से 2 लाख गाँठ कपास के आयात सौदे किये है | आगामी फसल सीजन में भारत से चीन को 25-30 लाख गाँठ निर्यात होने का अनुमान है |देश में कपास का निर्यात 70 लाख गाँठ तक पहुचने की उम्मीद है निर्यात पिछले अनुमान से करीब 27 फीसदी अधिक रहा सकता है| जानकारों का कहना है की कॉटन की एक्सपोर्ट मांग बेहतर होने से घरेलु कपास उत्पादकों को फायदा होगा |

स्त्रोत :- पत्रिका न्यूज नेटवर्क

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Suitable Soil for Chilli Production

Suitable Soil for Chilli Production

  • Soil are grown in many types of soils provided they are well drained, well aerated and field organic matter.
  • The drained conditions cause shedding of leaves, sickly appearance and fruit drop. 
  • An ideal soil for chilli is light loamy or sandy loam rich in lime and organic matter.
  • Strongly acid and alkaline soil are not suitable for chilli.
  • Chilli is successfully grown on soil of ph of 6-7.
  • High salinity reduces germination and vigour of plants.

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Suitable Climate for Chilli

Suitable Climate for Chilli :-

  • It is grown in tropical and sub tropical region requiring a warm humid climate.
  • Ideal temperature range for good plant growth and fruit development is 15-30 oC.
  • It can be grown successfully as a rainfed crop in areas receiving an annual rainfall of 1200mm.
  • High temperature (37 oC to more) during summer accelerates flower and fruit drop causing poor fruit set.
  • A day length of 9-10 hours light stimulates plants growth and increases the productivity by 21-24% besides improving the quality of capsicum.
  • Pungent chillies are susceptible to frost.

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Nutrient Management in Brinjal

Nutrient Management in Brinjal:-

  • The fertilizer dose depends upon the fertility of soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • For a good yield 20-25 tonnes of well decoposed FYM is incorporated into the soil.
  • Generally, application of 50 Kg Urea, 350 Kg of single super phosphate and 100 kg Muriate of potash/ha.
  • Another 100 kg of Urea in 2 top dressing should be given at one month interval after 3-4 weeks transplanting.
  • For hybrids varieties, the recommended dose is 200 Kg Nitrogen, 100 Kg Phasphoras and 100 kg Potash.

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Land Preparation For Tomato

Land Preparation forTomato:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preperation.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally.

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Nutrient Management in Watermelon

Nutrient Management in Watermelon :-

  • Add farm yard manure at the rate 30 tonnes/ ha. at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 75 kg urea, 200 kg SSP and 75 Kg Murate of Potash per hectare at the time of final preparations.
  • Apply another 75 kg urea per hectare in 2-3 split doses at the time of vining and intial fruitset.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally about 8-10 cm away from the seeds.

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Time of sowing of Bottle Gourd

Time of sowing of Bottle Gourd:-

  • Bottle gourd can be successfully grown during January-March and September-December.
  • For Rain Fed crop sowing can be starts during May-June Months.

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Irrigation in Bitter Gourd

Irrigation in Bitter Gourd:-

  • Bitter gourd cannot tolerate drought or water stagnation.
  • Water the crop immediately after sowing or planting on third day and then once a week depends upon the soil moisture.
  • Maintain good soil moisture in the upper 50 cm. of soil where the majority of roots are located.

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Weed Control in Cauliflower

Weed Control in Cauliflower:-

  • Crop should be kept free from weeds either manually or by use of weedicides.
  • Field is kept free of weeds by 2-3 hand weeding and 1-2 hoeing. Hoeing should not be deep.
  • After transplanting spray of 3.-3.5 litre of pendamethalin 30% EC per hectare is effective for control of weeks up to 45 days.

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Nutrient management of Cauliflower

Nutrient management of Cauliflower:-

  • Cauliflower is a heavy feeder crop.
  • Fertilizer dose depends upon the soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • For a good yield, 15-20 tones of well decomposed FYM is incorporated in the soil about 4 weeks before transplanting.
  • Recommeded doses of fertilizer for normal varieties 100 Kg: 60 Kg P and 100 Kg K/ ha hybrids -120-180 kg N 100 Kg P and 100 Kg /ha.
  • Half the dose of nitrogen and full dose of P and K should be applied at the time of final preparation of field.
  • Remaining half dose of nitrogen should be applied as top dressing in spilt doses followed by earthing up.

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