Suitable Climate and Soil for Brinjal

Suitable Climate and Soil for Brinjal (Eggplant):-

  • Brinjal is a warm season day neutral plant.
  • It is highly susceptible to frost injury.
  • The temperature range of 21-27°C is ideal.
  • for a good growth and yield.
  • It can be successfully grown as a rainy and summer season.

Soil :-

  • Brinjal can be grown on all types of soils.
  • Well drained and fertile sandy loam soils with a pH of 5.6 – 6.6 are best for its cultivation.

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Suitable Climate and Soil for Cultivation of Okra


  • Okra is warm season vegetable crop and requires a long warm and humid growing period. It is sensitive to frost and extremely low temperature.
  • For normal growth and development temperature between 24°C to 28°C is preferred. For seed germination optimum soil moisture and a temperature between 25°C to 35°C is needed.


  • It is grown on sandy to clay soils but due to its well-developed tap root system relatively light well drained and rich organic matter soil is ideal.
  • The ideal pH for growth of plant is 6-6.8.
  • Alkaline saline soil and poor drainage soil, both are not good for this crop.

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Season of Planting of Potato in Northern Plains

Season of Planting of Potato in Northern Plains:

Potato is largely in cool regions, where mean temperature does not normally exceed 18°C optimum.  temperature for potato growth and development ranges between 15-25°C.

Planting and Harvesting time for Northern plains:-


S.No. Season Planting Time Harvesting Time
1. Early Sep-Oct Dec- Jan
2. Mid Oct.-Nov. Feb-March
3. Late Dec.-Jan March-Apr

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Control of Aphids in Cabbage

Control of Aphids in Cabbage:-

  • Nymphs and adults are both soft bodied pear shaped, blackish in colour.
  • Colonies of these insects are found on tender shoots and sacks vital sap from the tissues.
  • Affected plants remain stunted in growth and curd formation is poor.
  • In case of severe infestation plants may completely dry up and die away.
  • The aphid produce honey dew which makes the plants sticky and favours the growth of shooty mold.
  • As a result of shooty mold a black coating is formed on affected plant parts hindering the photosynthesis and adversely affect the plants growth.
  • Slight humidity favours rapid multiplication of  this pest.
  • Grooming stages of aphids are mostly observed on the lower surface of the leaves.


  • Spraying of the crop with one of the following insecticide
  1. Dimethoate 30 EC @ 300 Ml/ Acre
  2. Quinalphos 25 EC @ 300-400 Ml/Acre
  3. Profenophas 50% EC @ 400 Ml/Acre
  • Destroy  plant debris or remove banded grasses/weeds.
  • To prevent recurrence of the aphid population granular insecticides. like Phorate 10 G @ 4 kg/ Acre should be applied in the soil.

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Disease Free Nursery bed preparation and Season of Transplanting for Chilli

Nursery bed preparation for Chilli:-

  • The soil should be dry and ploughed thoroughly to bring fine tilth.
  • The size of the nursery to raise seedlings for planting a hectare of chilli would be 180 m x 1.2 m (divided into 3 m x 1.2 m smaller beds).
  • One cartload of well rotten powdered FYM or sieved compost should be spread and 10 kg of super phosphate is mixed thoroughly with the soil.
  • Aldrin or Dialdrin wettable powder 30 gm per bed should be applied to keep away the white ants.
  • The bed usually kept raised about 15 cm. high so as to provide proper drainage of excess water.
  • One week before sowing the soil should be sterilized by drenching with commercial formalin (formaldehyde 40%) at 1:100 dilution at the rate of 5 liter per sq/meter against damping off disease.

Disease Free Nursery Raising

  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with Thiram+Carboxin @ 2g/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Continuous raising of nursery in the same plot should be avoided.
  • The top soil of nursery should be treated with Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% @ 5g/m area of the soil and nursery should be drenched with the same chemical @ 2g/litre of water at fortnight interval.
  • Soil solarization by spreading 250 gauge polythene sheet over the bed for 30 days before sowing in summer season should be done.
  • Application of bio-control agent Trichoderma viride in soil @ 1.2kg/ha is also found effective to control damping-off to considerable extent.

Season of Transplanting:-

  • August is the best time for planting and the next best month is September.
  • August planting gives maximum plant spread, plant height and yield.

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Happy Janmashtami

Happy Janmashtmi

Wo mor mukut, wo nanad lala,

Wo murli manohar,

Wo makhan chor,

Janmashtmi ki hardik badhaiyan

Happy Janmasthmi From Gramophone Team

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Suitable Climate and Soil for Tomato Cultivation

Suitable Climate and Soil for Tomato Cultivation:-

Suitable Climate:-

  • Tomato is a day neutral warm season crop.
  • Cool and dry weather is preferred by crop and optimum temperature is 21-28°C during day and 15-20°C during night.
  • Optimum temperature for colour development of fruit is 21-24°C.
  • It cannot be grown successfully in regions of higher rainfall.

Suitable Climate:-

  • The tomato grows on all soils from light sandy to heavy soil.
  • Well drained light soils are good for an early crop while clay loam and silt loam soils are well suited for heavy yields.
  • The pH of the soil should be 7-8.5.

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Control of Anthracnose or Pod Blight in Soybean

Control of Anthracnose or Pod Blight in Soybean:-

  • Soybeans are susceptible to infection at all stages of development. Plants and seed may be infected.
  • If infected seed is planted, early disease development may result in damping off (seed or seedling rot causing plant death). Dark brown lesions develop on cotyledons, stem may collapse, and seedling may die under severe infection.
  • Most commonly, however, plants become infected during bloom and podfill (reproductive stages) due to spores spread from infected plant residue.
    • Symptoms appear on stems, pods, and leaf petioles as irregularly-shaped brown blotches.
    • Severe symptoms may include leaf rolling, premature defoliation, and stunted plants. Pods may be shriveled and contain less seed, moldy seed, or no seed
  • In some cases, pods can be diseased, and the seed may be infected but without symptoms in the seed.


  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with Thiram+Carboxin @ 2 g/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Continuous sowing in the same plot should be avoided.
  • Spray the crop with Carbendazim 12% +Mancozeb 63% WP@ 400 Gm/Acre at 10-15 days intervals, first spray be given on the appearance of symptoms.
  • In Several Attack, spray the crop with Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 200 ml/Acre.

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Happy Raksha Bandhan

Dear Farmer,

May this Rakhi bring

you everything you desire

and everything you dream of

may success accompany

you in every step that take.

Happy Raksha Bandhan from Gramophone Team


Spacing for Cauliflower

Spacing for Cauliflower:-

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety early, mid and late.
  • planting seasons (Rabi, Kharif and Zaid ) and soil conditions (light, medium and heavy).
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of maturity of varieties.
  • For early varieties:- 45 X 45 cm.
  • For mid  varieties:- 60 X 40 cm.
  • For late  varieties:- 60 X 60 cm. or 60 X45 cm.

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