Damping Off Disease in Brinjal

Damping Off Disease in Brinjal:-

  • Seeds may rot before germination or seedlings may die prior to emergence.
  • Young seedlings develop a rot at the crown, later, the tissue becomes soft and constricted and the plants wilt and fall over.


  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with Thiram @ 2 g/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Continuous raising of nursery in the same plot should be avoided.
  • The top soil of nursery should be treated with Carbendazim 50% WP @ 5 g/m area of the soil and nursery should be drenched with Carbendazim+Mancozeb 75% WP @ 3 g/litre of water at fortnightly interval.
  • Soil solarization by spreading 250 gauge polythene sheet over the bed for 30 days before sowing in summer season in the month of May should be done.
  • Application of bio-control agent Trichoderma viride in soil @ 1.2 kg/ha is also found effective to control damping-off to considerable extent.

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Suitable Soil for Bottle Gourd Cultivation

Suitable Soil for Bottle Gourd Cultivation:-

  • Bottle gourd can be grown on all types of soil if it is not too much acidic or saline  and alkaline.
  • Loam or sandy loam soil is most suitable for Bottle Gourd.
  • The Soil should be rich in organic matter and  with good drainage.
  • Two year crop rotation is advised to safeguard the crop from soil born diseases.

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Suitable Climate for Cauliflower

Suitable Climate for Cauliflower:-

  • The cauliflower varieties are very sensitive to temperature.
  • For good germination, a temperature of 10-21°C  is required.
  • A temperature range at 15-21°C is optimum for growth and curd formation.  Temperature below 10°C during growth delays maturity and undersized small unmarketable buttons are formed.
  • High temperature during maturity will result in yellowish leafy curds.
  • It is therefore essential to choose proper variety to be sown at proper time.

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Land Preparation and Seed Rate for Okra Cultivation

Land Preparation and Seed Rate for Okra Cultivation:-

  • The land should be well prepared with 2-3 Ploughing.
  • Okra is sown or ridges or on flat soil. If soil is heavy sowing should be done on ridges.
  • Seed rate required is 7-8 kg/Acre during spring-summer season sowing.
  • Seed rate recommended for kharif crop is 3-4 kg/Acre.

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Cordially Greetings and Good wishes of 72 th Independence Day

तहे दिल से मुबारक करते हैं,

चलो आज फिर उन आजादी के लम्हों को याद करते हैं,

कुर्बान हुए थे जो वीर जवान भारत देश के लिए,

उनके जज्बे और वीरता को चलो आज प्रणाम करते है|

Cordially Greetings and Good wishes of 72 th Independence Day From Gramophone team.

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Management of Mealy Bug in Cotton

Management of Mealy Bug in Cotton:-

  • Heavy clustering of mealy bugs usually seen under surface of leaves as a thick mat with waxy secretion.
  • Excrete copious amount of honey dew on which the fungus sooty mould grow.
  • Affected plants appear sick and black, resulting reduced fruiting capacity.


  • Remove the alternate weeds hosts.
  • Monitor the incidence regularly and look for crawler emergence.
  • Take up the management at intial stage to get maximum control.
  • Wherever necessary use neem based botanical insecticides such as neem oil @ 75 ml per pump or NSKE @ 75 ml per pump.
  • Use of Dimethoate @ 30 ml/pump or Profenophos @ 40 ml/pump or Buprofezin @ 50 ml/pump may be adopted as an alternative.

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Control of Red Spider Mites in Okra

Control of Red Spider Mites in Okra:-

  • Nymphs and adults suck cell sap and white patches appear on leaves.
  • Affected leaves become mottled, turn brown and fall.
  • Low relative humidity favours mite multiplication.
  • Mites are found in colonies covered by white-silky webs on lower surface of leaves.


  • Acaricides like Sulphur 80% WP@ 3 Gm per litre of water gives effective control of mites.
  • Twice spraying of Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml/Acre in 7 days interval helps in controlling the pest in initial stage .
  • Collection and burning of severely infested plant parts reduces further multiplication of mites.
  • Proper irrigation and clean cultivation are essential to control the pest population.

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Suitable climate for pea cultivation

Suitable climate for pea cultivation:-

  • Garden Pea is widely grown in different seasons under varied agro climate conditions.
  • It requires cold and dry climate while longer cold  spell increases its yield.
  • Temperature of 15-25 °C is favorable for its cultivation.

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Control Of Downy Mildew in Cauliflower

Control Of Downy Mildew in Cauliflower:-

  • The stem shows dark brown, depressed lesions which later develop downy growth of the fungus.
  • On leaves, purplish-brown spots appear on the under surface followed by appearance of downy growth on such lesions.
  • It causes damage to curd, producing curd-rot.


  • Give hot water treatment to seed at 50°C for 30 min with Thiram(0.3%).
  • Remove the diseased portions of the curd and apply copper oxychloride 50% WP @ 3 Gm/ litre to the cut surface.
  • Spray the crop with Mancozeb 75% WP@ 400 Gm/Acre at 10-15 days intervals, first spray be given on the appearance of symptoms.
  • Follow crop rotation and sanitation practices.

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Intercultural Practices in Cucumber

Intercultural Practices in Cucumber:-

  • The cucumber plant is a shallow rooted crop and  no deep intercultural operations are required.
  • Earthing up is essential to cover the roots  properly especially in rainy season crop.
  • Prune all secondary shoots up to 5 nodes, to  improve yield & fruit quality.
  • Staking of plant in rainy season is helpful in  checking the rotting of fruits.

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