Requirement of Irrigations in Pea

Requirement of Irrigations in Pea:-

  • For proper germination, pre sowing irrigation is must if the soils are dry.
  • Normally 2-3 irrigation is needed for mid season peas or late sown peas.
  • Moisture stress at flowering and subsequent pod filling stage is most undesirable affecting the yield and quality of pods.

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Suitable Climate and soil for Cabbage Cultivation

Suitable Climate and soil for Cabbage Cultivation:-

  • In India, cabbage is grown in large areas having a cool and moist climate.
  • A temperature range  of 15- 21°C is considered as optimum for growth and head formation of the crop.
  • Cultivation of cabbage is done mainly on sandy to heavy soils rich in organic matter.
  • Early crops prefer light soil while late crops thrive better on heavier soils due to retention of  moisture.
  • On heavy soils, plants grow more slowly and the keeping quality is improved.
  • A pH range of 6.0-6.5 is considered as optimum for growing cabbage.
  • Plants growing in saline soils are prone to diseases.

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Critical stage of irrigation in Potato

Critical stage of irrigation in Potato:-

  • Keeping a potato crop at optimum moisture levels for the duration of the season requires a high degree of management.
  • There are certain stages of growth where water management is more critical:
  • 1) Emergence Stage
  • 2) Tuber set Stage
  • 3) Bulking up Stage
  • 4) Final crop Stage
  • 5) Pre harvest irrigation Stage.

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Sowing time, Planting and Seed Rate of Garlic

Sowing time, Planting and Seed Rate of Garlic:-

  • Cloves are sown in september-November in central India.
  • Selection of cloves is important for garlic planting.
  • Individual cloves from seed garlic bulbs should be separated but not long before planting.
  • Twist off the outer skins and take the cloves apart without breaking the basal plate of the cloves, as that makes them unusable for planting.
  • With hardneck garlic, the remainder of the stem acts as a handy lever for separating the cloves.
  • Big cloves (>1.5g) should be selected for planting. Small, diseased and damaged cloves should be rejected.
  • Seed rate for garlic is 400-500 kg/ha.
  • Selected cloves should be planted vertically 2 cm below soil surface with plant to plant spacing of 10 cm and row to row spacing of 15 cm.

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Nursery bed preparation for Tomato

Nursery bed preparation for Tomato:-

  • Raised beds of size 3 X 0.6 m and 10-15 cm in height are prepared.
  • 70 cm distance is kept between two beds to carry out intercultural operation.
  • The surface of beds should be smooth and well leveled.To protect seeds and seedlings, the beds should be drenched with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 30 Gm/pump.
  • Hardening is done by withholding water 4-5 days before uprooting seedling.

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Spacing and Seed Rate of Pea

Spacing and Seed Rate of Pea:-

  • The spacing of 10 c.m. from plant to plant is ideal.
  • The seeds should be sown 2-3 cm deep in the  soil.
  • The row to row distance should be 30 cm.  
  • About 100 kg seed is enough for a hectare.

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Control of Jassids in Brinjal

Control of Jassids in Brinjal:-

  • Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the lower surface of the leaves.
  • The infected leaf curl upward along the margins, which may turn yellowish and show, burnt up patches.
  • They also transmit mycoplasma disease like little leaf and virus disease like mosaic.
  • Fruit setting is adversely affected by the infestation.


  • Jassids are controlled by spraying Acetamiprid 20 % WP @ 80 Gm/acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% @ 80 Ml/Acre  20 days after transplanting.

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Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

As rains bless the Earth.

Likewise may lord Ganesh Bless you

with never ending Happiness

Keep smiling & receiting

Ganapatti Bappa Moorya!

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi From Garmophone Team.

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Control of Late Blight in Tomato

Control of Late Blight in Tomato:-

  • Disease occurs on the foliage at any stage of growth.
  • Brown to purple black lesions occurs in the leaflets, petioles, fruit and stem.
  • At later stage, plants die.
  • The disease appears on low temperature and high humidity.

Control :-

  • Fungicidal sprays on the appearance of initial symptoms.
  • Spraying should be done with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 400 Gm/ Acre or Propineb 70% WP 400 Gm/Acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 300 Gm/Acre.
  • Spraying should be repeated at 10-12 days interval.

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Irrigation Management in Sponge Gourd

Irrigation Management in Sponge Gourd:-

  • A good soil moisture is essential for proper germination of seeds.
  • Presowing irrigation is advised for proper germination.
  • Second irrigation should be given after sowing.
  • Later irrigation depends on the season and soil conditions.
  • Usually irrigation is done at 4-5 days intervals in summer and at 8-10 days interval in winter season.

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