Bokhani problem in soyabean and control measures

Bokhni (Commelina benghalensis), it is a perennial broad-leaf weed, it is known in the local language as Kena, Bokanda, Bokhna / Bokhni, Kankaua etc. Apart from soybean, it is also seen more in crops like maize, paddy etc. It is especially difficult to control, as broken pieces of stem easily take root both above the ground and under the soil. For better crop production of soybeans, it is very necessary to do weed management from time to time.

damage caused to crops

It takes in air, water, sunlight, fertilizers, nutrients etc. to compete with the main crop. Due to which the growth of soybean is reduced and the plant remains weak, if it is not controlled in the initial stage, then 40 to 50% decline in yield can be seen.

Control measures

Mechanical method : For good production from soybeans, first weeding in the crop 15-20 days after sowing and second weeding 40-45 days after sowing is necessary.

Chemical method : For good control of Bokhani or Bokhna, use weedicide at 2 to 3 leaf stages Within 12 to 20 days after germination. Spraying of kloben (Chlorimuron Ethyl) @ 15 gm or Weedblock (Imazethapyr 10% SL) @ 400 ml + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml per acre, @ 150 – 200 liters of water. Use a flat fan nozzle while spraying and maintain moisture in the field.

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