Grow These Mustard Varieties Get Tremendous Production

Farmers brothers, it is very important to select varieties to get full production of the mustard crop. Mustard varieties are described according to their ability to give good yields under different conditions. Farmers can choose suitable varieties based on their soil type, availability of irrigation and time of sowing. Adoption of improved varieties is necessary for the average yield of varieties, oil content, maturity period etc.

Brand Name – Pioneer

  • Variety Name – 45S46

  • Duration – 125-130 days

  • Seed colour – black

  • Characteristics- High yielding medium maturity hybrid variety with bold seed and better oil percentage.

Brand Name – Pioneer

  • Variety Name – 45S35

  • Duration – 115-125 days

  • Seed colour – black

  • Characteristics – High yielding medium maturity hybrid variety with attractive seed colour.

Brand Name – Pioneer

  • Variety Name – 45S42

  • Duration – 120-130 days

  • Seed colour – black

  • Characteristics- It is a hybrid variety with bold seed and high pod density.

Brand Name – Bayer/Proagro

  • Variety Name – PA 5210

  • Duration – 130-135 days

  • Seed colour – black

  • Yield – 13-15 quintal/acre

  • Features – High tolerance against white rust

Brand Name – Bayer/Proagro

  • Variety Name – 5222

  • Duration – 125-130 days

  • Seed colour – black

  • Yield – 12-15 quintal/acre

  • Characteristics – Bold seed and oil content 41-42%,

Brand Name – Mahyco

  • Variety Name – Bold Plus

  • Duration – 130-135 days

  • Seed colour – black

  • Yield – 12-15 quintal/acre

  • Characteristics – More pods as well as filled seed.

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