How to treat onion seedlings before transplanting

  • For transplanting onion seedlings, select healthy seedlings, and transplant 12 to 14 cm tall or  5-6 weeks old seedlings after sowing in the nursery.

  • Sometimes it is ready for transplanting in 6-7  weeks depending on soil, climate and water availability.

  • Before transplanting, make a solution based on Rizocare (Trichoderma Viride 1.0% WP) @ 2.5 gm or Sprint (Carbendazim 25% + Mancozeb 50% WS) @ 3 gm per litre of water, and keep the plants in the solution for 10 minutes. Keep the root submerged.

  • Due to this, the crop can be saved from early-stage diseases like Damping off, and root rot.

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