This farmer gets 200% more mango production than other farmers

Parmanand Gawane produces 15 tonnes of mangoes from just two acres of land in village Belanki, located 25 km from Miraj city in Maharashtra. He has planted 900 plants of saffron mango variety in each acre.

Gawane, 62, has adopted the Ultra High Density Planting (UHDP) system. UHDP gives 200% more production than traditional methods of farming. In addition, this system ensures uniform shape and color while maintaining the taste and freshness of the fruit.

Last year, fruits weighing 250 grams to 400 grams were purchased from the Gawain farm by buyers from Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore and Raipur. Gawane was not initially ready to share his learning. But later Gawane agreed to it.

He welcomes about 50 farmers to his farm every month. Despite the epidemic last year, many people came to him. Visitors peak in the months of May and June, when the trees are full of fruits.

Source: The Better India

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