How to increase size of grains along with pod borer control in Green Gram crop

The moong crop may suffer damage due to pod borer (caterpillar), so control it. With this, adopt these measures to increase the size of the grains?

  • This pod borer appears green to brown in color, with dark brown stripes on its body.
  • The head of the pod borer penetrates into the pod which causes damage by piercing the pod.
  • Spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC 60 ml / acre in 200 liters of water for pod borer control. Or
  • For this caterpillar prevention, spray Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm + Beauveria bassiana @ 250 gm / acre is mixed with 200 liters of water.
  • To increase the size of grains, use 1 kg of Sulfur of Potash-0: 0: 50 fertilizer mixed with this spray.

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