How to manage weed in moong crop?

How to manage weed in moong crop?
  • Green gram is cultivated on a large scale in many districts of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Green gram is included in the major pulses crops and it is a short duration crop with good production.
  • Farmers should pay special attention to weeds for about 20 to 30 days after sowing of Green gram.
  • Because in the early stages weeds cause heavy damages to the crop.
  • Farmers should use Pendimethalin 38.7 CS @ 700 ml/acre in as a pre-emergence herbicide in green gram crop.

Importance of Rhizobium culture in Moong crop

Importance of Rhizobium culture in Moong crop
  • Rhizobium bacteria is found in the roots of moong plants which causes atmospheric nitrogen fixation and increases crop yield.
  • Use of Rhizobium culture produces fast nodules in pulses, which increases 20-30 % yield of Moong, Gram, Pigeonpea and Urad and 50-60% increases soybean yield.
  • The use of Rhizobium culture increases about 30-40 kg of nitrogen per hectare in the land.
  • Seed treatment in moong is done with 5-10 gram of Rhizobium culture while the Soil treatment is done by mixing 1 kg / acre for pre-sowing with 50 kg FYM.
  • The nitrogen deposited by Rhizobium bacteria present in the roots of the pulse crop is used in the next crop, which reduces the need of nitrogen in the next crop.

How to increase size of grains along with pod borer control in Green Gram crop

The moong crop may suffer damage due to pod borer (caterpillar), so control it. With this, adopt these measures to increase the size of the grains?

  • This pod borer appears green to brown in color, with dark brown stripes on its body.
  • The head of the pod borer penetrates into the pod which causes damage by piercing the pod.
  • Spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC 60 ml / acre in 200 liters of water for pod borer control. Or
  • For this caterpillar prevention, spray Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm + Beauveria bassiana @ 250 gm / acre is mixed with 200 liters of water.
  • To increase the size of grains, use 1 kg of Sulfur of Potash-0: 0: 50 fertilizer mixed with this spray.

How to protect moong and urad crops from Bacterial Blight?

How to protect bacterial blight from Green gram and black gram
  • Brown, dry and raised spots on the surface of the leaves are the symptoms of this disease.
  • These spots are found in red color on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • When the outbreak of the disease increases, the spots get mixed together and the leaves turn yellow, so there is a premature loss.
  • To control this, spray streptomycin sulfate IP 90% + tetracycline hydrochloride 10% w/w @ 20 gm per acre or kasugamycin 3% SL @ 300 ml per acre in 200 liters of water. Or
  • Spraying of Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 250 gm / acre in 200 liters of water.

Information of improved varieties of Moong bean

Information of improved varieties of Moong bean

Shakti Vardhak Virat: This variety of moong has 70-80 days maturity. Its plant is straight, hard, less growing, which has 10-12 grains in pods. This improved variety is suitable for sowing in both summer and kharif seasons.

Moong Awasthi Samrat: This improved variety is suitable for sowing in both summer and kharif seasons. This variety of moong gives good yield in 70-80 days.

Eagle Moong: This variety is also known as PDM-139, which is matured in 55-60 days. Its yield is 12-15 quintals per hectare. This variety has moderate immunity to the yellow mosaic virus. This improved variety is suitable for sowing in summer season.


Importance of Moong Samridhi Kit`s products

The Gramophone’s Moong Samriddhi Kit has the owing versatile product-

  • Incryl: This product is a combination of naturally available ingredients like seaweed and amino acids. This product promotes better growth of the crop by increasing root growth and photosynthesis.
  • Tricho Shield Combat: This product contains Trichoderma viridi which is capable of preventing most harmful fungi found in soil. Due to which, the root of the crop is protected from diseases such as root rot, wilt, damping off. 
  • Combimex: This product is a mixture of two different types of microorganisms which helps to increase the availability of essential ingredients potash and phosphorus to the crops.
  • Jai Vatika Rhizobium: This bacteria makes legume in the roots of the pulses crop, which nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere and gives crops an available form.

Watch this video to know how farmers are increasing their production using the moong Samriddhi kit-


Gramophone Moong Samriddhi Kit for achieving the best quality moong crop

  • All the products included in the Moong Samriddhi Kit are completely organic. Thus, they improve the structure of the soil without damaging the environment.
  • This kit works to increase the number of beneficial organisms in the soil and increase the availability of nutrients to the plants. 
  • Moong Samriddhi Kit helps a lot in destroying harmful fungi and doing important tasks like the growth of roots etc.
  • This Kit protects crops from diseases like root rot, dullness, wet rot in the crop.
  • This kit increases nitrogen fixation by increasing Rhizobium in the roots. 

Watch this video to know how farmers are increasing their production using the moong Samriddhi kit-


Using Gramophone’s Moong Samriddhi Kit will make your land more fertile and suitable for moong crops.

  • Gramophone Moong Samriddhi Kit includes all the essential ingredients that are required to get more production from the moong crop.
  • The Moong Samriddhi Kit contains various kinds of beneficial bacteria.
  • Potash and phosphorus bacteria, Trichoderma viridi, humic acid and Rhizobium bacteria are prominent among these bacteria.
  • This kit has been prepared by mixing all these microorganisms.
  • The total weight of this kit is 6 kg, and one kit is used for one acre of area.