Control of Mites in Chilli

Control of Mites in Chilli:-

  • The tiny spider like insects are found large in numbers and the underside of leaves are covered with fine webs.
  • Nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves.Affected leaves curl downward along the margins of the leaf and attain an inverted boat shape.
  • Leaf petioles elongated and small leaves serrated and looks like bunchy.
  • Leaves turn into dark grey in colour, reduce leaf sheath and stops flowering.
  • In severe cases, fruit wall becomes hard and white strips appears on the fruit.


  • Acaricides like Sulphur 80% WP@ 3 Gm per litre of water gives effective control of mites.
  • Twice spraying of Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml/Acre in 7 days interval helps in controlling the pest in initial stage .
  • Collection and burning of severely infested plant parts reduces further multiplication of mites.
  • Proper irrigation and clean cultivation are essential to control the pest population.

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