Know how to manage fertilizers in 20 to 30 days crop stage of chilli

  • Just as fertilizer management is necessary at the time of planting of chillies, similarly fertilizer management is very necessary 20 to 30 days after transplanting.

  • This management is done for the good growth of the chilli crop and to increase immunity against diseases.

  • At this time, the chilli plant roots are growing in the ground, at that time fertilizer management is very important for good growth of roots.

  • fertilizer management requires urea @ 45 kg/acre DAP @ 50 kg/acre, magnesium sulfate @ 15 kg/acre, sulfur @ 5 kg/acre, and zinc sulfate @ 5 kg/acre.

  • It is necessary to have moisture in the field at the time of use of fertilizers.

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