Chilli crop will be damaged due to leaf curl disease, know the preventive measures

Symptoms: Symptoms include curling of leaves upwards and downwards. Leaf edges turn light green to yellow, eventually spreading into the veins. Nodes and internodes become smaller in size. Infected plants appear bushy, with severely stunted growth, appear pale and produce more lateral branching. Fruits of infected plants become small.

Disease spread: The disease is spread through the white fly, a vector insect. The disease progresses with an increase in temperature and relative humidity. The virus mainly persists in weeds. Hot and dry weather favours the spread of the disease.

1. Preparation of nursery under nylon-net cover (50 mesh)
2. Remove infected plants and weeds from the field early
3. Two rows of border crops with maize, sorghum, or millet reduce disease spread

Chemical Control:- Fipnova (Fipronil 5% SC) @ 320-400 ml/acre.

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