Control of Blight and Foot Rot in Pea Crop

Control of Blight and Foot Rot in Pea Crop:-


  • Small, purple spots appear on leaves which may enlarge, turn brown and become zonate with a definite margin.
  • Similar lesions also appear on the stem which elongate and coalesce causing browning or blackening of stem.
  • On the pods, lesions are tan or brown in colour and irregular having a dark margin.


  • Use healthy seeds and treat them with Carbendazim+Mancozeb @ 250 Gm/ quintals seed before sowing.  
  • Spray infected crop with Mancozeb 75% @ 400 gm/Acre at flowering and afterwards at 10-15 days intervals .  
  • Remove diseased plants and destroy them.  
  • Maintain proper drainage.

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