Identification and control measures of fruit fly in Cucurbits crops

Identification of fruit fly

  • These pests damage the developed soft fruits.

  • Fruit fly infestation continues from July to October.

  • The female fly of these insects by inserting her ovipositor into the pulp of soft fruits lays eggs in them, from which in 1-2 days (maggot) develop inside the fruit and eat the pulp.

  • And leave the excreta inside the fruit itself, due to which the fruit starts rotting. The damaged part of the fruit gives off a strong odor and the fruits become distorted and deformed resulting in poor quality of the fruits which are not marketable.

Pheromone trap:

  • It has a special kind of smell. which is released by the female moth. This smell attracts male moths. Different types of pheromones are released by different insects, so different lures are used for different insects. To control fruit fly in cucurbits crop, use IPM trap (Melon fly lure) 8 to 10 traps per acre.

control measures 

  • Spray benevia (CYANTRANILIPROLE 10.26 % OD) @ 360 ml + silico maxx @ 50 ml per acre, @ 150 -200 liters of water.

  • For biological control, spray bave-curb (Bavaria bassiana) @ 500 gm/acre, @150 -200 liters of water.

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