Role of Boron in Plants

Role of Boron in Plants:- Boron (B) is not required by plants in high amounts, but can cause serious growth problems if it is not supplied at appropriate levels. Boron is different from other micronutrients in that there is no chlorosis associated with its deficiency; however it does have similar toxicity symptoms as other micronutrients.

Function: Boron is used with calcium in cell wall synthesis and is essential for cell division (creating new plant cells). Boron requirements are much higher for reproductive growth so it helps with pollination, fruit and seed development. Other functions include translocation of sugars and carbohydrates, nitrogen metabolism, formation of certain proteins, regulation of hormone levels and transportation of potassium to stomata (which helps regulate internal water balance). Since boron helps transport sugars, its deficiency causes a reduction of exudates and sugars from plant roots, which can reduce the attraction and colonization of mycorrhizal fungi.

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