Ways to protect animals from sun stroke

  • These few precautions should be taken to protect animals from sun stroke like-

  • The animal housing should have a skylight for healthy air to enter and contaminated air to exit.

  • In hot days, animals should be bathed during the day, especially buffaloes should be bathed in cold water.

  • Animals should be given cold water in sufficient quantities.

  • Fans or coolers should be installed in the house of hybrid animals which do not tolerate excessive heat.

  • In summer, animals should be provided with more quantity of green fodder, it has two advantages, one is that the animal fulfils its stomach by eating green fodder with interest, secondly, green fodder contains 70 – 90 % water, Which fulfills the water shortage in the animal.

  • In the summer season, the animals feel less hungry and thirst more. Animal owners must give water to the animals at least thrice a day at this time, which helps in reducing the body temperature of the animals.

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