Nutrient Management at Booting Stage in Paddy Crop

Nutrient management in the booting stage is an important measure to get a higher yield of paddy. In paddy crop, the booting stage starts in 60-65 days after transplanting. At this stage, do nutrition management in a proper way like this –

Nutrition management:- To get high yield of paddy, it is very necessary to use urea @ 40 kg + MOP @ 10 kg + Calbor @ 5 kg per acre.

Urea:- Urea:- Urea is the biggest source of nitrogen supply in paddy crops. With its use, there is no problem of yellowing and drying in the leaves. and Urea accelerates the process of photosynthesis.

MOP (Muriate of Potash):-  Potassium plays an important role in transporting the sugar synthesized in the rice plant to all parts of the plant. Potassium promotes the efficiency of natural nitrogen. Increases immunity in plants. 

 Calbor:- This product contains a combination of Calcium 11% + Magnesium 1.0% + Sulphur 12% + Potassium 1.7 + Boron 4% which are essential for nutrition, growth, photosynthesis, transport of sugars and cell wall formation. Calbor is compatible with most of the commonly used fertilizers and agro chemicals. 


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