Weed Management in Coriander


Cranial period of crop-weed competition in coriander is 35-40 days. In this period we do not condemn weeds, then the yield of coriander is reduced by 40-45 percent. The excess or concentration of weeds in coriander and any of the following if necessary
Weed potter’s technical name Brand Name Rate active element (g / acre) The total amount of weed killer is approximately 1.8 ml/acre. Water volume Use time (day)
Pedimetheline Stamp 30 E.C. 400 1200 240-280 0-2
Pedimetheline Stamp Extra 38.7 cs 360 800 240-280 0-2
Quizolofop ethyl Targaspur 5 E.C. 20 40 240-280 15-20

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