Powdery mildew in coriander

  • This is a terrible disease of coriander crop.
  • In this disease, small white brown spots appear on the leaves, which later spread on the entire surface.
  • Affected by this disease Plant leaves become dry and fall.
  • For effective control of the disease spray hexaconazole 5% SC @ 400 ml / acre or tebuconazole 10% + sulfur 65% WG @ 500 g / acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens + Bacillus subtilis @ 0.25 + 0.25 kg / acre.

Soil and Climate for coriander

  • Well-drained silt or loam soil are suited for cultivation.
  • For rainfed cultivation, the soil should be clay in nature and the pH should be 6-8.
  • Coriander performs well at a temperature range of 20-25oC.
  • Cool and comparatively dry and frost-free climate is suitable for coriander.

Weed Management in Coriander


Cranial period of crop-weed competition in coriander is 35-40 days. In this period we do not condemn weeds, then the yield of coriander is reduced by 40-45 percent. The excess or concentration of weeds in coriander and any of the following if necessary
Weed potter’s technical name Brand Name Rate active element (g / acre) The total amount of weed killer is approximately 1.8 ml/acre. Water volume Use time (day)
Pedimetheline Stamp 30 E.C. 400 1200 240-280 0-2
Pedimetheline Stamp Extra 38.7 cs 360 800 240-280 0-2
Quizolofop ethyl Targaspur 5 E.C. 20 40 240-280 15-20

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Suggestions for control of yellowing of Coriander Leaves

  • Coriander is an important crop of spices, all parts like stem, leaf, and seed are used.
  • If crop management is not proper, the problem of yellowing in the crop results in less production and the quality of the green leaves is affected.
  • For its management, Apply Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria with Basal Dosage mixed up well in the field at the rate of 2 kg/acre.
  • There are many reasons for yellowing of leaves like Nitrogen deficiency, Disease infestation, and Pest Infestation.
  • Apply Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 250-300 gm/acre and chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml/acre with irrigation.
  • After this drenching apply 19:19:19 @ 500 gm/acre.

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Suggestions for control of yellowing of Coriander Leaves

  • Coriander is an important crop of spices, all parts of which use stems, leaves, and seeds.
  • If its management is not correct, then it becomes yellow, which reduces production.
  • For its management, Apply Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria with Basal Dosage mixed up well in the field at the rate of 2 kg per acre.
  • Due to the lack of nitrogen in the soil and the problem of disease and insects, coriander leaves turn yellowish.
  • Apply Thiophanate methyl 70% wp @ 250-300 g and chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml per acre with irrigation.
  • After this drenching, apply 19:19:19 @ 500 gm per acre.

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Root knot nematode of coriander

  • Infected roots are formed by nodules and indeterminate shape.
  • For its control-Select healthy and disease-free seeds.
  • Clean the machines and tools being used in the field.
  • Properly manage the weed in the coriander crop.
  • Before sowing the coriander, plough the farm deeper and leave the farm open in summer.
  • When the infection occurs on the plant, then apply biological control of Paecilomyces lilacinus @ 2-4 kg per acre from drip irrigation.

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Seed treatment of coriander

  • Soak the seeds in water for 12 hours.
  • Treat the seeds with Carboxin 37.5 +Thiram 37.5% @ 2.5 gm / kg seed.

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Sowing time in coriander

  • For leaves purpose, coriander is sown in June-July.
  • For seed production coriander is sown in October-November.

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