Nutrient Management in Watermelon Crop!

  • After sowing in the watermelon crop, the vegetative stage lasts for 40 days, after that flowering starts.

  • When the watermelon crop is 25 to 30 days old, apply 10:26:26 @ 75 kg + Potash @ 25 kg + Boron 800 gm + Calcium Nitrate @ 10 kg, mix all these and broadcast in a one-acre area and do light irrigation.

  • When the watermelon crop is 45 to 50 days old, apply 19:19:19 @ 50 kg or 20:20:20 @ 50 kg + MOP @ 50 kg, mix all these together and broadcast in a one-acre area and do light irrigation.

Nutrient Management for Drip

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