Management measures in 10-15 days sowing in watermelon crop

Crop management measures are taken to control fungal diseases and pest infestation in 10-15 days after sowing of watermelon, in the early stage of germination, the main problem is the plant melting, the leaves turning yellow and not germinating properly.

For fungal diseases: Spray Chlorothalonil @ 75% WP @ 400 gram/acre.

Use Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment.

For control of insect: Spraying  Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG @ 40 gram/acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 ml/acre

Use Beauveria Bassiana   @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment.

Nutrition Management: Use urea @ 75 kg/acre + micronutrient @ 8 kg/ acre + sulfur @ 5 kg/acre as soil treatment.

Humic acid @ 100 gram/acre use as spray. 


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