How to prepare the soil and soil treatment before sowing in okra crop

Okra crops can be grown well in all types of soil. The land should be properly prepared by plowing according to the need, and it is advisable to make small beds simultaneously. In this way 3-4 plowing is sufficient.

Soil treatment: Soil treatment before sowing is very important for disease-free production of okra. For this, mix 50 -100 kg FYM or cow dung or field soil and broadcast it in the empty field before sowing. Then apply Trichoderma viride @ 500 gram/ acre for fungal diseases. At the same time, use composting bacteria @ 4 kg/acre,to decompose  residue of old crops in the empty field .  Combining these two products with 50 kg FYM can be used as a broadcast, it is very important to have moisture in the field at the time of its use.


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