Importance of Molybdenum in leguminous crops

  • Molybdenum is one of the eight essential micronutrients needed by plants. Plants absorb molybdenum in the form of molybdheth. Molybdenum is mainly located in the phloem and vascular parenchyma and is the mobile element in plants. Molybdenum is needed for the chemical transformation of nitrogen in plants.

  • Molybdenum element is helpful in the activity of nitrogen-fixation bacteria in the roots of leguminous crops. Due to its deficiency, all the activities of amino acid and protein formation in the plant decrease. Due to this, the disease resistance ability of plants starts decreasing. It is also helpful in the synthesis of vitamin C and sugar in plants.

  • Symptoms of deficiency – Young leaves dry up, turn pale green in colour, dry spots appear all over the leaves except the middle veins. Due to the lack of proper use of nitrogen, the old leaves begin to thin.

  • In plants that are deficient in molybdenum, nitrate accumulates in the leaves and does not allow adequate protein production. As a result, the growth of plants gets stunted due to a lack of nitrogen in the plants.

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