Know, how to prepare onion nursery in Kharif?

Let us know that the bed for the onion nursery should be made in such a place where there is proper arrangement for irrigation and drainage. The land should be flat and fertile. There should be no shade trees around. To prepare the seedlings, a bed of 3-7 meters long and 1 meter wide should be made about 15-20 cm high from the ground. 20 beds of above size are sufficient for planting in one acre.

Mix 25 grams of Trichoderma viride (Rhizo Care) and 25 grams (Seaweed, Amino Acids, Humic Acid, Mycorrhiza) (Maxmyco) with 10 kg of cow dung manure, per square meter, in the soil evenly and 1 meter width And prepare high rise beds with drainage facility of 3-7 meters length. Sowing should be done in rows at a depth of 1- 2 cm and at a distance of 5 cm. 

After the preparation of the bed, the seed must be treated with fungicide such as Captan or Thyram (2.0-2.5 g per kg seed) so that the plants can be saved from the outbreak of diseases that may occur in the beginning. Sow the seed thus treated in the prepared beds. Immediately after sowing the seed, light irrigation should be done in the beds with a fountain or Hazare and after that irrigation should be continued at an interval of one day. The nursery planted in this way becomes ready for transplanting in about 35-40 days.

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