Now subsidy will be given directly on the purchase of wheat seed

With the end of the Kharif season, preparations for the Rabi season have started. Procurement of seeds is a significant task for the farmers at the beginning of the season. In such a situation, the Punjab government has already completed the preparations, so that farmers do not have to face financial trouble to buy seeds.

Let us tell you that wheat is cultivated on a large scale in Punjab. Keeping this in mind, the state government has decided to directly give subsidy on wheat seeds to the farmers. Farmers do not need to apply for subsidy on seed purchases under this scheme. The benefit of subsidy will be given to the farmers only at the time of buying the seeds. Under which farmers will have to pay less price for purchasing seeds.

Prior to this change in the scheme, farmers had to obtain verification from the Sarpanch or Lambardar. Only after that farmers could apply for subsidy online. Due to this process of application, many needy farmers were deprived of the benefits of the scheme due to non-registration. After this big change in the state government, now all the farmers will be given seeds only after deducting the subsidy price at the time of purchase.

Source: TV9bharatvarsh

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