Management of powdery mildew disease in bitter gourd crop

  • This disease affects the leaves, stems and sometimes fruits of bitter gourd as well. 

  • Due to this, yellow to white powder appears on the upper and lower surface of bitter gourd leaves. Due to this the process of photosynthesis of the plant is inhibited. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and dry up and fall.

  • Hot, dry weather conditions promote this disease.

  • For their management, spray Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC [Custodia] @ 300 ml or Flusilazole 40% EC [Cursor] 60 ml or Myclobutanil 10% WP [Index] 100 gm/acre.

  • Spray Trichoderma viride @ 500 gm/acre + Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gm/acre as a biological treatment.

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