Identification and control of Downy Mildew in Cucurbitaceae crops

  • In Cucurbitaceous crops, the effect of this disease causes gray spots on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Pale yellow spots are formed on the upper surface. This disease causes more damage to cucumber, gourds, and melons.
  • Along with this, on the leaves, a layer of brownish-black color is formed. If it rains in the summer season, this disease becomes very common.
  • For the control of this disease, Metalaxyl  4% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 600 gram / acre or Sulfur 80% WDG @ 500 gram / acre or Tebuconazole 10% + Sulfur 65% WG @ 500 gram / acre
  • Spray Trichoderma viride @ 500 gram / acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram as a biological treatment

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