In this way, increase the Kharif onion bulb and earn better profits

Onion crop is 90 to 100 days old, at this stage bulb development is promoted by stopping the growth of the plant, so for better bulb development, do this necessary spray now and get the best yield.

Taboli – Paclobutrazol 40% SC, It is a plant growth regulator. Which inhibits the growth of plants and increases root growth, thereby increasing the size and quality of the tuber.

Jika – Jika contains Paclobutrazol 23% SC, it is a plant growth regulator. Which inhibits the synthesis of gibberellins, thereby reducing vegetative growth. Tuber quality (colour, size, maturity and yield) is good, Zika is also absorbed through the roots.

Dosage – When the crop is 90 to 100 days old, spray Taboli (Paclobutrazol 40% SC) @ 30 ml or Jika (Paclobutrazol 23% SC) @ 50 ml per acre, 150 to 200 liters of water.

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