Manure and Fertilizer Management for Potato Cultivation

Nutrient Management at Sowing time

  • Potato crop is a tuberous crop, that is why the tuber takes in a lot of nutrients for development.

  • Manure management in proper time and in proper quantity is very necessary for plant growth and more production.

  • As soil treatment before sowing, apply SSP @ 200 kg + DAP @ 75 kg + Potash @ 75 kg + Speed ​​Kompost (Composting bacteria) @ 4 kg per acre in the soil evenly.

  • With all these nutrients Gramophone offers Potato samriddhi Kit” TB3 (Nitrogen Fixing, Phosphate solubilizing and Potassium mobilizing biofertilizer consortia) @ 3 kg + Taba G (Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria) 4kg + Rhizocare (Trichoderma Viride 1.0 WP) 500 gm + Tri-Coat Maxx  (A mixture Organic Carbon 3%, Humic, Fulvic, Organic Nutrients) @ 4 kg in potato crop at the time of sowing. This kit is used for soil treatment.

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