Symptoms and control measures of bacterial spot disease in tomato crops!

Symptoms and control measures of bacterial spot disease in tomato crops!

The bacterial spot of tomato is a devastating disease that can affect all parts of the tomato plant, including leaves, stems and fruit. Initially, roundworms appear in water-soaked circular areas on tomato leaves. Circular spots are generally dark brown to black on leaves and stems. The lesion takes a large size by joining together and the leaf turns yellow. On green fruits, the spots are usually small, raised and blister-like, as the fruit ripens, the spots enlarge and become brown and rough. Due to this, the quality of the fruit deteriorates.

Control Measures

To control this disease, take a spray of Dhanucop (Copper Oxychloride 50% WP) @ 1 kg + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml per acre, @ 150 to 200 litres of water.

References – According to TNAU

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