Unseasonal rain and hail: Bihar govt announced subsidy for affected farmers

The untimely rains and hails in February and March affected the majority of crops in the UP and Bihar. This rain dashed the hopes of many farmers by damaging their crops on a large scale. But there is news of relief for the farmers of Bihar, as Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had announced subsidy for the farmers whose crops were severely affected by the rain and hails.

CM Nitish Kumar has recently declared that the government will provide a compensation of Rs 13,500 per hectare for affected crops. A fund of Rs 60 crore has already been sanctioned for this purpose. This amount will be used to provide agriculture inputs subsidy to those farmers, whose crops were damaged by the unseasonal rainfall of 24 to 26th February. According to a media report, this unseasonal rain has damaged more than 31,000 hectares of crops.

According to the state’s agriculture minister Prem Kumar, once the verification of the claims will finish, the subsidy will be provided within 25 days. This subsidy will be paid at the rate of Rs 13,500 per hectare for irrigated farm and Rs 6,500 per hectare for an unirrigated farm. However, this subsidy will be provided for a maximum of two hectares of land only.


Government’s big initiative, farmers will also get a subsidy of up to 50 percent on combine harvesters

  • The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to give subsidies to farmers for purchasing combine harvesters from this year.
  • Subsidy amount given to farmers on agricultural equipment has also been increased. 
  • The Madhya Pradesh government will now provide a subsidy of 50 percent of the price on the purchase of agricultural implements to small, marginal, scheduled-caste, scheduled-tribe and women farmers and 40 percent subsidy on the cost to other farmers.
  • For more information about this news icon, you can contact us at https://dbt.mpdage.org/Eng_Index.aspx .

How to get subsidy under Kusum scheme

  • To install solar panels under the Kusum scheme, farmers have to pay 10 percent of the total cost of the equipment.
  • The remaining amount, 30 percent will be paid by the Central Government as subsidy while 30 percent by the State Government.
  • Remaining 30 percent, farmers can take loans from banks. 
  • The government also helps farmers take loans from banks.

डीएपी के दाम कम होने की संभावना

डीएपी के दाम कम होने की संभावना:-

पिछले दिनों में डीएपी उर्वरक के दाम उछाल सब्सिडी नीति न्यूट्रीएंट बेस्ड योजना में फास्फेट पर अनुदान में लगभग 27% की वृद्धि करना पड़ी थी | हालांकि केंद्र ने पोटाश पर अनुदान में लगभग 10% की कमी कर दी | केंद्र शासन के उर्वरक विभाग नई उर्वरक अनुदान नीति के क्रियान्वयन के लिए गाईड लाईन्स जारी करते हुए यह भी स्पष्ट किया है कि बोरोन तथा जिंक कोटेड फास्फोटिक अथवा पोटेशिक उर्वरकों पर क्रमशः 300 रु. व 500 रु. प्रति टन की दर से अतिरिक्त सब्सिडी दी जाएगी| जिससे किसानों में इन सूक्ष्म तत्वों के उपयोग को भी बढ़ावा मिले| उर्वरक विभाग ने यह भी निर्देश दिए है कि इन उर्वरकों के निर्माता उर्वरक के बैग पर अनुदान राशि दर्शाते हुए एम आर पी आवश्यक रूप से प्रिंट करें| प्रिंटेड एम आर पी से अधिक दर पर उर्वरक बेचना दंडनीय अपराध होगा|


नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करके अन्य किसानों के साथ साझा करें।


Subsidy on Agricultural Machinery and Equipments Part-2

Subsidy on Agricultural Machinery and Equipments Part-2

Name of Agri Machinery Maximum allowable grant (For SC, ST, small and Marginal farmer, Women etc.) Maximum allowable grant ( for others)
Land Development, Ploughing and seed bed preparation equipments
MB Plough, Disc plough, Cultivator,  Harrow, Leveller blade , Cage wheel, Furrow opener, Ridger ,  Weed slasher,    Laser Land Leveller, mechanical reversible plough 1)     Below 20 BHP 15000/- Rs.2)    20-35 BHP 19000/- Rs. 1).  Below 20 BHP 12000/-Rs.2.) 20-35 BHP 15000/- Rs.
Rotavator, Roto pedal,  reversible hydraulic  plough 1)    Below 20 BHP 35000/-Rs.2)    20-35 BHP 44000/- Rs. 1)    Below 20 BHP 28000/-Rs.2)    20-35 BHP 35000/- Rs.
Diesel Plough Machine Below 20 BHP 8000/-Rs 20-35 BHP 10000/-Rs. Below 20 BHP 6000/-Rs.20-35 BHP 8000/-Rs.
Sowing, Transplanting , Harvesting and Digging Equipments
Zero till seed cum fertilizer drill,  Raised bed planter, Seed drill, Potato digger, Tractor operated reaper, Onion harvester,  post hole digger, Potato Planter, Ground nut digger, Strip till drill, Rice straw chopper, Sugarcane cutter/ stripper/planter, Multi Crop Planter, Zero till multi crop Planter, Ridge furrow planter 1)    Below 20 BHP 15000/- Rs.2)    20-35 BHP 19000/-Rs. 1). Below 20 BHP 12000/-Rs..2.) 20-35 BHP 15000/- Rs..
turbo seeder menumetric, Menumetric Vegetable transplanter, Menumetric Vegetable Seeder, Happy seeder, Aqua ferti seed drill, Raised bed planter, Mulcher Plastic Mulch laying Machine, Seed treatment Drum, seed cum Fertilizer drill 1)    Below 20 BHP  35000/- Rs.2)    20-35 BHP 44000/-Rs. 1)    Below 20 BHP 28000/- Rs2)    20-35 BHP 35000/- Rs.
Inter cultural Equipments
 Graas/weed/slasher, Reaper straw chopper 1)    Below 20 BHP 15000/- Rs. 2)    20-35 BHP 19000/-Rs 1).Below 20 BHP 12000/-Rs.2.) 20-35 BHP 15000/- Rs.
Power weeder (Engine Operated ) 1)    Below 2 HP 15000/-Rs.2)    Above 2 HP 19000/-Rs. 1). Below 2 HP 15000/-Rs.2.) Above 2 HP 19000/-Rs
Harvesting and threshing Equipments (Engine / electric motor below 3 HP and Tractor operated Below 20 BHP)
 Ground nut pod stripper,  Thresher/ multi crop thresher, Paddy thresher, Chaff Cater,  Brush cater, Winnowing fan 20,000/-Rs. 


16,000/- Rs.
Harvesting and threshing Equipments (Engine / electric motor below 3-5 HP and Tractor operated Below 20-35 BHP)
Reaper, Mower, Maize Sheller, Spiral Grader, Infielder, Mower shredder chaff cater  20,000/- to 25,000/- 16,000/- to 20,000/- Rs.
Equipment for waste/ Hay and Forage management
Sugarcane thresh cater, Hay rack,  Wood Chippers, Sugarcane ratoon Manager, Cotton stalk uprooter, straw reaper 1) Below 2 HP 15000/-Rs.. 2)    Above 2 HP 19000/- Rs 1). Below 2 HP 15000/-Rs2.) Above 2 HP   19000/- Rs.

For more information contact to SHDO/ SADO at Horticulture Deptt./Agri Deptt.



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Subsidy on Agricultural Machinery and Equipments Part-1

Subsidy on Agricultural Machinery and Equipments Part-1

Name of Agri Machinery Maximum allowable grant (For SC, ST, small and Marginal farmer, Women etc.) Maximum allowable grant ( for others)
08 to 20 HP Rs.1 Lakh Rs.75,000/-
20 to 70 HP Rs.1.25 Lakh Rs.1 Lakh
Power tiller
8 BHP to below Rs. 50,000/- Rs. 40,000/-
8 BHP to above Rs.75,000/- Rs. 60,000/-
Rice transplanter
Self propelled rice transplanter (4 Lines) 94,000/- रु. 75,000/-
Self propelled rice transplanter (4-8 Lines to above )Self propelled rice transplanter (8-16 Lines to above ) Rs. 2 Lakh Rs. 2 Lakh
Self propelled machinery
Reaper cum binder 1.25 लाख रु. 1 लाख रु.
 automatic urea  briquetting deep placement / Urea application machine Rs. 63,000/- Rs. 50,000/-
Special self propelled machinery
Reaper and post hole digger/ Auger and prometric/ other planter Rs. 63,000/- Rs.50,000/-
Self propelled Horticultural machine
Fruit plucker, Tree prunner, fruit harvester, fruit grader, Trec trolly, Nursery Media filling machine, Multipurpose hydraulic system, power operated horticultural for pruning, banding, Grading, sharing etc. Rs. 1.25 Lakh Rs.1 Lakh


For more information contact to SHDO/ SADO at Horticulture Deptt./Agri Deptt.



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Subsidy on Pomegranate cultivation

Pomegranate Area Extention scheme:- Under the scheme, pomegranate tissue culture for plantation under drip irrigation, fixed unit cost amount per hectare There is a provision of 50% grant amount of Rs. 0.75 lakhs on 1.50 lakhs. Grant in the first year by the value of 60:20:20 in the first year, respectively Rs. 45 thousand and second and third year on maintenance 15-15 thousand 80% of the plants are payable on survival. The scheme is applicable in all districts.For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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Subsidy on Medicinal and Aromatic Crops

Medicinal and aromatic crop area extension scheme:- Under the scheme, the farmer has given a grant of 20 to 75% of the area’s expanded area of ​​medicinal and aromatic crops. Each farmer has a provision to benefit from 0.25 hectare to 2 hectare under the scheme. The crop details are as follows: –

S.N. Crop Name Amount of subsidy (in Rs. Per ha.)
1. Aonla 13,000/-
2. Ashwagandha 5,000/-
3. Bael 20,000
4. Coleus 8,600/-
5. Gurmar 5000/-
6. Kalmegh 5000/-
7. Safed musli 62,500/-
8. Sarpgandha 31,250/-
9. Satavar 12,500/-
10. Tulsi 6,000/-

For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.


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Subsidy for Spice Crop

Spice Crops area extension scheme:- Under the Spice Crops area extension scheme, 50% of the unit cost for improved/hybrid Spice crop is in the Spice seeded crops and maximum amount of Rs. 10000 / – per hectare and Spice bulbous/rhizomes crops such as for the Turmeric, Zinger and Garlic maximum Rs. 50,000 / ha is given. There is a provision to know that a farmer can benefit from 0.25 hectare to 2 hectare in the scheme. For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.

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Subsidy for vegetable production

Vegetable area extension scheme:- Under the vegetable area extension scheme, 50% of the unit cost for improved/hybrid vegetable crop is in the vegetable seeded crops and maximum amount of Rs. 10000 / – per hectare and vegetable tuberous crops such as: – For the potato, Arbi, maximum Rs. 30,000 / ha is given. There is a provision to know that a farmer can benefit from 0.25 hectare to 2 hectare in the scheme. For more information contact to Senior Horticulture Development Officer at Horticulture Deptt.


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