Sowing time suitable for snake gourd

  • January – February is the best sowing time of snake gourd.
  • Snake gourd grows very well in hot and humid climate.
  • The ideal temperature should be 25-38°C.

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Sowing time Suitable of Tomato Cultivation-

  • Tomato is a day-neutral plant so wildly it found grown in any season.
  • Tomato can grow all, rabi, zaid.
  • But due to frost tomato cannot be grown in the rabi season.
  • The Kharif crop is transplanted in July, rabi crop in October – November and Zaid crop in February months.

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Sowing Time suitable for Watermelon

  • The time of sowing watermelon is from November to March.
  • After the November to December sowing time, the plant should be protected from frosting. This is the reason most sowing is done from January to March.
  • In the hilly areas watermelons are sown from March to April.

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Sowing Time of Clusterbean (Guar)

Sowing Time of Clusterbean (Guar):-

  • Quality of seeds is a most important for maintaining optimum plant stand.
  • Crop should be sown at the onset of monsoon in the first fortnight of July under rainfed condition.
  • Under irrigated condition, it can be sown up to the last week of July.
  • Planting time also plays very important role for the crop grown during summer season.
  • Last week of February to first week of March is the most suitable time for cluster bean sowing for summer’s crop.
  • Delayed in sowing, flowering may be affected due to high temperature which may result in decrease in seed yield.
  • Therefore, timely sowing for summer crop is very important non-monetary input. Temperature should be 25 to 30 C at the sowing time of summer cluster bean.

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Soil Preparation and Sowing Time for Wheat

Soil Preparation and Sowing Time for Wheat:-

  • One summer deep ploughing followed by two or three harrowing with disc or tines and two or three planking should be given to prepare a well pulverized seed bed.
  • Suitable time of sowing
  • Dryland:- Mid October to first week of November.
  • Semi Irrigated:- First fortnightly of November.
  • Irrigated :- Second fortnightly of November.
  • Irrigated (Late):- Second fortnightly of December.

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Season of Planting of Potato in Northern Plains

Season of Planting of Potato in Northern Plains:

Potato is largely in cool regions, where mean temperature does not normally exceed 18°C optimum.  temperature for potato growth and development ranges between 15-25°C.

Planting and Harvesting time for Northern plains:-


S.No. Season Planting Time Harvesting Time
1. Early Sep-Oct Dec- Jan
2. Mid Oct.-Nov. Feb-March
3. Late Dec.-Jan March-Apr

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Season of Planting of Cabbage

Season of Planting of Cabbage:-

  • Sowing time depends upon the variety and the agro-climatic  conditions prevailing in a particular region.
  • Early season varieties seeds are sown during may  to June.
  • Mid season varieties seeds are sown during last  week of June to July.
  • Mid late season variety seeds are sown during  August .
  • Late  season variety seeds are sown during September to October.

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Seed rate and sowing time for Onion

Proper seed rate and sowing time are two things which are very important for sowing, growth, and cultivation of onion. If not done so, there can be a lot of impact on the production.

Sowing time:-

  • To cultivate onion, the onion nursery has to be prepared first, the onion nursery is prepared for Rabi season in December and transplanting are done in the month of January.
  • In Kharif, nursery is prepared from 15 June to 15 July, and transplant is done in the last week of August.

Seed rate:-

  • 8-10 kg seed is sufficient for raising seedlings for one hectare, accommodating 100-110 beds of 3m X 0.6m size each.
  • For broadcasting directly in the field or sowing in the rows, 15-20 kg seeds are enough for a hectare.
  • For multiplier onions 10-12 quintal bulblets are required for planting one hectare.

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Seed rate, sowing time and sowing method of Soybean

Seed rate, sowing time and sowing method of Soybean:-  

Seed Rate:- According to the size of the seeds of different varieties, the seed rate of normal germination capacity should be used as follows:- (1) Small grain size varieties 28 Kg/ Acre. (2) Medium grain size varieties 30-32 Kg/ Acre (3) Big grain size varieties 36 kg/ Acre.

Sowing time:- The best time of sowing is from the first week of June 20 to July, when the rainfall is approximately 3-4 inches, the sowing should start. Short duration varieties should be used in late sowing conditions.

Sowing Method:- Soybean sown should be done in line. Sown the seeds at a depth of 3 – 5 cm adopting a spacing of 45 x 5 cm.


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Season of planting of Cauliflower

Season of planting of Cauliflower:-

  • The optimum time of seed sowing in the nursery varies greatly depending upon climatic condition, varieties and their temperature requirement for curd formation.
  • Early season varieties seeds are sown during May to June.
  • Mid season varieties seeds are sown during last week of June to July.
  • Mid late season varieties seeds are sown during August.
  • Late season varieties  seeds are sown during September to October.

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