Seed rate, sowing time and sowing method of Soybean

Seed rate, sowing time and sowing method of Soybean:-  

Seed Rate:- According to the size of the seeds of different varieties, the seed rate of normal germination capacity should be used as follows:- (1) Small grain size varieties 28 Kg/ Acre. (2) Medium grain size varieties 30-32 Kg/ Acre (3) Big grain size varieties 36 kg/ Acre.

Sowing time:- The best time of sowing is from the first week of June 20 to July, when the rainfall is approximately 3-4 inches, the sowing should start. Short duration varieties should be used in late sowing conditions.

Sowing Method:- Soybean sown should be done in line. Sown the seeds at a depth of 3 – 5 cm adopting a spacing of 45 x 5 cm.


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