Time of sowing of Bottle Gourd

Time of sowing of Bottle Gourd:-

  • Bottle gourd can be successfully grown during January-March and September-December.
  • For Rain Fed crop sowing can be starts during May-June Months.

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Season of planting of French bean

Season of planting of French bean:-

  • The Kharif crop is season during June and July.
  • The autumn crop is sown during September and to early October.
  • The spring summer season crop is sown during and of January to early February.

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Time of sowing of Cowpea

Time of sowing of Cowpea:-

  • In most of the areas, cowpea is grown during the rainy and summer season.
  • Kharif Season:- Sowing is June-July for pole type variety. Sowing is August- September for early maturing bush type varieties.
  • Summer Season:- Sowing is February- March is common for summer.

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Season of planting of Brinjal

Season of planting of Brinjal:-

  • Autumn- Winter crop:- Seed is sown in june and transplanted in july.
  • Spring-Summer Crop:- Seed is sown in early November and transplanted in January- February.
  • Rainy Season Crop:- Seeds are sown in March- April and Transplanted during April-May.

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Season of Planting of Okra

Season of Planting of Okra

  • Okra is sown twice a year in the plains for green pods.
  • June end is sowing time for Kharif crop.
  • February end to March is for spring summer season crop.

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Time of Sowing of Bitter Gourd

Time of sowing of bitter gourd:-

  • Sowing is done January- February for summer crops.
  • Sowing is done during May-June for kharif crop.
  • Sowing is done during September-October for Rabi crop.

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Sowing and sowing time of Chickpea (Gram)

  • In Unirrigated areas, sowing of gram should be done in the first fortnight of October.
  • In areas where irrigation facility is available, sowing should be done by 30th October.
  • To get more yield from the crop it is very necessary to have proper number of plants per unit in the field.
  • For proper number of plants, the seed rate and the proper distance of the plant from the row and the plant have an important role.
  • 80 kg for dry farming And for irrigated area 60 kg The amount of seed is adequate per hectare.
  • The depth of seed for the dry land crop is 7 to 10 cm. For the irrigated area, sowing of seeds should be done in depth from 5 to 7 cm depth. Line to line distance 45 to 50 Cm should be kept on.

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Pea seed rate and sowing

Pea seed rate and sowing: – Seed rate: – For Early – 100 to 120 kg of seeds should be used per hectare . For mid and late 80-90 kg seeds should be used per hectare. Seed treatment: The seeds treated with rhizobium culture add more yield of peas and land fertility strength is also increased. Before sowing, the seed should be purified by the rate of 2.5 gm of Carbendazim 50% per kg seed. Sowing time: – It is sown between October to November.
