How to control early blight of potato

Spray any one fungicide for control of this disease 

  • Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63%@ 300 gm/acre. 
  • Thiophanate methyl 70% Wp @ 250 gm/acre. 
  • Chlorothrlonil 75% WP @ 250 gm/acre. 
  • Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 46% WP@ 300 gm/acre. 

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Early blight of potato

  • The fungus attacks the foliage causing characteristics leaf spots and blight.
  • Small, isolated, scattered pore brown spots appear on the leaf.
  • Fully developed spots are irregular, brown, to dark brown in color and with concentric ring (2-5mm ) inside the spot.
  • Symptoms start from the lowest leaves and progress upward.

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Potato Harvester

  • Potato harvesters are machines that harvest potatoes.
  • They work by lifting the potatoes from the bed using a share.
  • Soil and crop are transferred onto a series of webs where the loose soil is sieved out.
  • The potatoes are moved towards the back of the harvester on to a separation unit.
  • Then to a picking table where people pick out the stones, clods, and haulms by hand.
  • The potatoes then go on to a side elevator and into a trailer or a potato box.

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Management of Black Scurf Disease of Potato

Management of Black Scurf Disease of Potato:-

  • The black scurf of tubers appears as a black crust on the skin due to the formation of fungus.
  • Rhizoctonia canker/black scurf occurs when stolons contact soil-borne fungal bodies.
  • Symptoms can be observed on above and below ground plant parts.
  • Symptoms observed above ground early in the season include necrosis at the tips of the sprouts and sunken lesions on stolons, roots, and stems.
  • Later in the season stems with cankers can become girdled, resulting in stunted plants.
  • Leaves of infected plants develop a purplish and chlorotic colouration.
  • The pathogen infects plant tissue and causes stolon blinding thus reducing tuber production and yield.


  • Conduct a soil test prior to the establishment of the crop to know nutrient content and soil pH. Low pH is not conducive for disease development.
  • Use disease-free soil. Avoid areas with a history of potato production or history of potato scurf and stem canker.
  • Use certified potato seed and assure disease-free propagation material. If the seed is not certified, it should be treated with antagonists or fungicides before planting.
  • Apply Sulphur 90% WDG @ 6 kg/acre or Use Ammonium Sulphate as Nitrogenous Fertlizer.
  • For the better control of this disease, seed treatment must be applied with pencycuron 250 SC @ 25 ml/quintal tubers or Penflufen @ 10 ml/quintal tubers.

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Management of Late blight in Potato

Management Late blight in Potato

  • Late blight is the major disease in Potato crop.
  • This disease is caused by a fungus called Phytophthora infestans.
  • This disease damages leaves, stems and tubers. The disease first appears as water soaked, light brown lesions on the leaf blade.
  • The lesions turn dark brown, dry and brittle after the infected leaf tissues die. In humid atmosphere, the growth of the fungus can be seen on lower side of these spots as whitish cottony growth.
  • The spots turn black as the affected leaves start rotting. Severe infections cause all foliage to rot, dry out and fall to the ground, stems to dry out and plants to die.
  • The tubers under the ground also decay before harvest. On tubers, greenish sunken areas may be seen.
  • To control Late blight of potato, spraying of Mancozeb 75% WP@ 50 Gm/ 15 litre water or Copper oxychloride 50% WP @ 50 Gm/15 litre water or Metalaxy + Mancozeb @ 50 Gm/ 15 Litre water should be done.

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Greening in Potato Tubers

Greening in Potato Tubers –

  • This is a physiological response that occurs when tubers are exposed to light.
  • If plants in the field are not hilled properly so that the upper portions of tubers are exposed to light, these exposed portions will turn green.
  • If harvested potatoes are stored in the home under low levels of light, the tubers will turn pale green.
  • Tubers which turn green produce solanin chemical which imparts a bitter taste to the cooked potatoes.

Precautions –

  • Excessively green potatoes should not be consumed.
  • Greening can be prevented by hilling up around plants to prevent exposure to light.
  • Storing the harvested crop in the dark.
  • If the home storage area is not completely dark, provide dark by storing in paper bags to allow air movement.


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Critical stage of irrigation in Potato

Critical stage of irrigation in Potato:-

  • Keeping a potato crop at optimum moisture levels for the duration of the season requires a high degree of management.
  • There are certain stages of growth where water management is more critical:
  • 1) Emergence Stage
  • 2) Tuber set Stage
  • 3) Bulking up Stage
  • 4) Final crop Stage
  • 5) Pre harvest irrigation Stage.

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Season of Planting of Potato in Northern Plains

Season of Planting of Potato in Northern Plains:

Potato is largely in cool regions, where mean temperature does not normally exceed 18°C optimum.  temperature for potato growth and development ranges between 15-25°C.

Planting and Harvesting time for Northern plains:-


S.No. Season Planting Time Harvesting Time
1. Early Sep-Oct Dec- Jan
2. Mid Oct.-Nov. Feb-March
3. Late Dec.-Jan March-Apr

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Healthy Potato Crop due to Sulphur Application

Farmer Name:- Suresh patidar

Village:- Kanardi

Tehsil:- Tarana

District:- Ujjain

State:- Madhya Pradesh

Farmer Bhai Suresh Ji planted Chipsona-3 potatoes in two acres in which he used sulfur 90% WDG at the rate of 6 kg / acre, which gave him good results. Sulphur is an important component of enzyme and other proteins and is essential for the formation of chlorophyll. It is recommended to give the soil preparation time of 20 kg / Ha. sulphur.



Seed treatment of Potato

Seed treatment of Potato:- Potato an tuberous crop that infects various fungal disease which spread through seed and soil, therefore seed treatment is very important in potato. Potato seed treatment should be done by Carboxin 37. 5% + Thiram 37. 5% @ 200 gm / acre or carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP @ 200 gm / acre.

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