Next activity for your Onion crop

Onion- 10 to 8 days before sowing- Nursery preparation

At the time of nursery preparation mix 25 kg FYM + 25 gm Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare) + 25 gm Fipronil 0.3% Gr (Fax granules) + 25 gram Seaweed, Amino, Humic & Mycorrhiza (Maxxmyco) per 30 square feet area.


How to prevent onion maggot in onion crop

How to prevent onion maggot in onion crop
  • The onion’s maggot is a very small white colored insect
  • It affects the onion tuber
  • In large tubers, 9 to 10 maggots attack  and make it hollow.
  • Because of which the onion tubers rot completely
  • To prevent this pest, use  Fipronil 0.3% 7.5 kg/acre  or cartap hydrochloride 7.5 kg / acre as a soil treatment.
  • Fenpropathrin10% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Chlorpyriphos 20% EC @ 1 liter/acre.
  • Spraying Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre as a biological treatment. 

How to use the Onion Samriddhi Kit while planting onions in the main field

How to use the Onion Samriddhi Kit while planting onions in the main field
  • Gramophone exclusive onion/garlic samriddhi kit is used as a soil treatment.
  • The total volume of this kit is 3.2 kg which is enough for one acre
  • It can be used along with urea, DAP, or with 50 kg of well-decomposed cow dung, compost, or dry soil.
  • It is necessary to have sufficient moisture in the field at the time of its use.
  • If you were not able to use this kit at the time of sowing, then it can be used as broadcasting in 15 -20 days of sowing.

How to storage onion and garlic

How to storage onion and garlic
  • Removing the tuber completely without ripening leaves space inside the tuber, which subsequently causes rot under the influence of heat and moisture.
  • To avoid this condition, remove the upper part of the tuber only after drying it up to 80%. Therefore the stem of the plants turns to the ground and then removes it.
  • If you have enough space and you want to keep the garlic safe for a long time, do not cut the stem from the bulb when you need it. Tie them in a bunch and keep them spread.
  • If you need to cut, first of all, dry it in bright sunlight for 8-10 days. Allow the root of the garlic tuber to dry until the roots are shattered. Then cut it with a distance of 2 inches between bulb & stem so that their layers are removed, the buds do not get scattered and the tubers are safe for a long time.
  • Many times a tuber gets hurt by a spade or shovel. While shorting the onion and garlic tuber, remove the damaged tuber because spread rotting in other tubers.
  • During the monsoon humidity increases and spoils, the tuber so stored onion and garlic should be kept watch from time to time. If there is rottenness or smell from bulbs, then separate the rotten bulb from that place, otherwise it also spoils the other produce.
  • For good storage, the temperature of the storage warehouses is 25-30 degrees Celsius and the humidity should be between 65-70 %.

Problem and solution of Purple blotch disease in Onion

  • The disease begins at the edges of old leaves. Initially, small, oval spots which later become purple-brown and the edges of these spots are yellow.
  • When the spots start to grow, then the yellow edges spread upwards and form wounds on the bottom.
  • The stems of leaves and flowers wither and the plant dries up.
  • 2-3-years crop cycle should be adopted with other non-tuber crops.
  • To prevent this disease, spraying Kitazin 48 EC 80 ml or Chlorothalonil 75 WP 300 g or Carbendazim 12 + Mancozeb 63 WP 500 g @ 200 ml/acre with 200 liters of water is sprayed.

How to manage thrips in onion crop?

It is a small insect which causes the most damage to the onion crop. Both its infant and adults suck the juice by hiding it in the cheekbones of the leaves. This forms yellow-white spots on the leaves, and in the later stages, the leaves shrink. This insect is yellow in their initial stages which turns dark brown later. Its lifespan is of 8–10 days. Adults live in a dormant state on an onion field, on the grass and other plants. In winter, thrips go into tubers and act as a source of infection the next year. These pests appear in large numbers on onion tubers during March-April. They suck the juice from leaves which makes them spiral and limits the plant’s growth. Sometimes their infestation remains on the tubers even during the storage.

Preventive measures –

-For control of thrips in onion, deep ploughing should be done in summer.

-Do not use nitrogen fertilizer in excess.

Spray Profenophos 50 E.C. @ 45 ml or lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% c.s. @ 20 ml or spinosed @ 10 ml or fipronil 5 s.c. with 15 litres of water per acre.


Good news! Government lifts ban on onion exports

The Central Government has recently issued a notification announcing the lifting of the ban on onion exports. This declaration will be effective from 15th March 2020.

The government had banned the export of onion on September 29 last year to control the rapid increase in the prices of onions. But the scenario is changed now as the prices of onions are now stabilised and its production is also expected to be much better this season. Because of this, the government had now announced to lift the five-month-old ban on onion export from March 15.

The notification, signed by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) says that “the export of all varieties of onions has been made free without any condition of minimum export price and letters of credit”

This step would be very helpful for both consumers and farmers too, as it would help in cutting down the prices of onions and thus reducing the pressure on the wallets of consumers. On the other hand, the farmers would also get access to a bigger market for their onions.


Keep the following things in mind to prevent onion and garlic bulbs from rotting.

  • Temperatures and relative humidity are important factors for the storage of onions and garlic for longer periods. 
  • The Moisture is more than 70 percent from July to September, which increases the chances of rotting onion bulbs.
  • While in October-November, the temperature gets lower, which increase the problem of sprouting increases in onions 
  • For better storage, the temperature of storage houses should be between 25-30 °C while the humidity should be between 65-70 percent.

Good news for farmers, government lifted the ban on onion exports

Gramophone's onion farmer

To protect the interests of farmers, the government has lifted the six-month-old ban on the export of onions on 26th February. This decision will provide farmers with a big market for their onion crop and thus they can earn more profit. There was a major need for such step as the prices are likely to fall heavily due to bumper production of rabi crops especially onion.

It should be noted that in September 2019, the government had imposed a ban on the export of onions due to the rapid increase in its prices. But the conditions have changed now and the onion rates had stabilized. Along with this, there has been a rapid growth of onions this year in the country, because of which, Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan has announced to lift the ban on the export of onions.
