Benefits of the use of organic microbial culture Azotobacter in cucurbit crops

Benefits of the use of organic microbial culture Azotobacter in cucurbit crops
  • Azotobacter is an independent nitrogen fixation bacteria.
  • This bacterium keeps the nitrogen of the atmosphere continuously stored in the ground.
  • Use of this does not cause yellowing of leaves in cucurbit crops.
  • In cucurbit crops , fruit development and growth of plants are good.
  • When it is used, 20% to 25% of nitrogen is required per crop.
  • These bacteria increase germination percentage of seeds.
  • Helps to increase the quantity of roots  and length of stem. 

Identification of leaf miner on muskmelon crop –

  • Adults leaf miners look like small black and yellow flies.
  • Larvae exit from the leaf after completion of their development and then pupate axles on plants.
  • Females puncture the leaf to feed plant sap and lays eggs within the leaf tissue.
  • This damage restricts the plant growth and results in reduced bulb yield and loss of vigour.  
  • Tunnels or mines can be seen in the leaves.

Pinching in watermelon and muskmelon crop 

  • Pinches are made to prevent overgrowth of watermelon from the plant.
  • When there is enough fruit on the oxen of watermelon, then there should be a solution to pinch, which can prevent the bull from failing.
  • Pinching and cutting unwanted wounds results in good nutrition for the fruit and the development of the fruits is good.
  • If there are too many fruits on a vine, then remove the small and weak fruits so that the normal fruit gets better.
  • By removing unnecessary branches, watermelon gets complete nutrition and it grows very fast.

Harvesting of muskmelon

  • Depending on the variety and agro-climate, melon will be ready to peak fruit in about 110 days.
  • The phase of maturity is usually identified with the outer colour change of the fruit, and if the peel becomes soft, Ripe fruit is easily removed from the vine.
  • The melon is harvested by hand.

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Irrigation management in muskmelon

  • During summer, irrigate the crop every week.
  • The irrigation should be as light as possible.
  • At the time of fruit maturity water should be given when it is very necessary.
  • Overflooding should be avoided as the fruit oncoming contact with moist soil gets spoiled.

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Sowing and seed rate in muskmelon

  • Dubbing method and transplantation method is used for sowing melon.
  • Sow the melon seeds on a 3-4 meter wide bed.
  • Sow two seeds together and keep a distance of 60 cm between beds.
  • Insert the seed at depth of about 1.5 cm.
  • For sowing in one acre land 300- 400 gm seeds are required.

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Control of fusarium wilt in muskmelon

  • Muskmelon plants get infected early in the season and they do not produce more fruit.
  • The first signs of fusarium wilt appear on older leaves. Leaves are yellowing and dry. The symptoms of this disease are most clearly seen during the heat of the day.
  • Brown cracks are visible in the stem, from which the brown red-coloured exudate.
  • Use the disease-free seed for sowing.
  • Plough the fields deep, destroy the weeds and make proper drainage.
  • For the effective control of fusarium wilt use the Propiconazole 25% EC @ 200 ml/acre or thiophanate-methyl 70 % WP @ 250-500 gm/acre.

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