Control of anthracnose in bottle gourd

  • Clean cultivation and crop rotation minimize disease incidence.
  • Treat the seed with Carbendazim @ 2.5 gm/kg seed.  
  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP @ 400 gm/acre or chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at 10 days intervals.  

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Control of downy mildew in Snake gourd

  • During wet season, corresponding lower surface is covered with faint purplish fungal growth.
  • The entire leaf dries up quickly.
  • Use of bed system with wide spacing with good drainage and air movement and exposure to sun help to check the disease development.
  • Spray with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 350-400 gm/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 200-250 gm/ acre.

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Control of Powdery Mildew of Snake gourd

  • White to dirty gray spots or patches appears on leaves which become white powdery as they enlarge.
  • Fortnightly spray hexaconazole 5% SC @ 300 ml per acre or thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 400 gm per acre.

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Control of Blight in Maize

Corn leaf blight is a fungal disease of maize caused by the plant pathogen Bipolaris maydis. Initially small, water-soaked spots appear on leaves, then elliptical brown areas develop until nearly as wide as the leaf. In the final stages, lesions are straw-coloured to grey, coalescing and killing large parts of the leaves.


  • Crop rotation to reduce previous corn residues and disease inoculum.
  • Tillage to help break down crop debris and reduce inoculum load.
  • Avoid repeated use of fungicides with the same active ingredient.
  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP 400 gm/acre or Metalaxyl 35% WS 150 gm/acre.

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Management of Black Rust disease in Wheat

  • Pustules can be seen after 10-20 days of infection.
  • In addition to wheat it can also attack barley, rye and triticale.
  • Black rust produces reddish-brown spore masses in oval, elongated or spindle-shaped pustules on the stems and leaves.
  • Unlike leaf rust, pustules erupt through both sides of the leaves.
  • Ruptured pustules release masses of stem rust spores.
  • Black rust develops at higher temperatures than the other wheat rusts within a range of 18-30°C.


  • Destroy volunteer wheat plants. Crop rotation is very important.
  • Growing resistant varieties is an economical and environmentally friendly way of disease reduction.
  • During the growing season, active crop monitoring is very important for an early detection of diseases.
  • Avoid repeated use of fungicides with the same active ingredient.
  • Spray Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP 320 gm/acre or Propiconazole 25% EC 240 gm/acre.

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Seed Treatment in Bitter gourd

  • For good quality, diseases and insect free yield the seed must be treat before sowing with the below products.
  • Seed treat with carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% fungicide 2 gm/kg seed or carboxin 37.5% + thiram 37.5% fungicide 2gm/kg of seed.
  • Seed should be treated with imidacloprid 600 FS (48%) 1 ml/kg seeds for control of Sucking pest on early stage.

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Seed Treatment in Bottle gourd

  • For good quality, diseases and insect free yield the seed must be treat before sowing with the below products.
  • Seed treat with carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% fungicide 2 gm/kg seed or carboxin 37.5% + thiram 37.5% fungicide 2gm/kg of seed.
  • Seed should be treated with imidacloprid 600 FS (48%) 1 ml/kg seeds for control of Sucking pest on early stage.

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Seed Treatment in snake gourd

  • For good quality, diseases and insect free yield the seed must be treat before sowing with the below products.
  • Seed treat with carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% fungicide 2 gm/kg seed or carboxin 37.5% + thiram 37.5% fungicide 2gm/kg of seed.
  • Seed should be treated with imidacloprid 600 FS (48%) 1 ml/kg seeds for control of Sucking pest on early stage.

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Seed treatment of Muskmelon

  • The muskmelon is sensitive against frost and some diseases eg.powdery mildew, downy mildew, root rot, and yellow mosaic etc.
  • For the management of these diseases, before sowing seed treatment should be applied.
  • Treat seed with carbendazim 50% WP fungicide @ 2g/kg of seed.
  • Or apply Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% fungicide 2g/kg of seed.
  • For the controlling of yellow mosaic virus, seed should be treated with imidacloprid 600 FS.  (48%) 1ml/kg seeds.
  • Then seed may treat with Trichoderma viride @ 4 gm per kg of seeds.
  • 20-30 min.time interval keeps for using next chemicals.
  • After treatment, dry seeds in shade and then do sowing immediately.

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Management of Black Scurf Disease of Potato

Management of Black Scurf Disease of Potato:-

  • The black scurf of tubers appears as a black crust on the skin due to the formation of fungus.
  • Rhizoctonia canker/black scurf occurs when stolons contact soil-borne fungal bodies.
  • Symptoms can be observed on above and below ground plant parts.
  • Symptoms observed above ground early in the season include necrosis at the tips of the sprouts and sunken lesions on stolons, roots, and stems.
  • Later in the season stems with cankers can become girdled, resulting in stunted plants.
  • Leaves of infected plants develop a purplish and chlorotic colouration.
  • The pathogen infects plant tissue and causes stolon blinding thus reducing tuber production and yield.


  • Conduct a soil test prior to the establishment of the crop to know nutrient content and soil pH. Low pH is not conducive for disease development.
  • Use disease-free soil. Avoid areas with a history of potato production or history of potato scurf and stem canker.
  • Use certified potato seed and assure disease-free propagation material. If the seed is not certified, it should be treated with antagonists or fungicides before planting.
  • Apply Sulphur 90% WDG @ 6 kg/acre or Use Ammonium Sulphate as Nitrogenous Fertlizer.
  • For the better control of this disease, seed treatment must be applied with pencycuron 250 SC @ 25 ml/quintal tubers or Penflufen @ 10 ml/quintal tubers.

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