Control of mosaic virus in watermelon

  • Watermelon mosaic virus initially appears on the leaves and spreads from the stem to the fruit.
  • Fruits become distorted and are small in size, and they break down from the petioles.
  • Leaves of plant curl downwards and leaf size smaller than normal.
  • This disease transmitted by aphid.
  • Preventive management of this disease, use the disease-free seed for sowing and do proper tillage operation.
  • Remove all the infected plants from the field.
  • Spray of Imidachloprid17.8% SL @ 70-100 ml/acre.

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Control of aphid in muskmelon

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75% SP @ 300-400 gm/acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml/acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Control measures of aphids in Watermelon

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75 % SP @ 300- 400 gm / acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @100 ml /acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Control of aphid in bitter gourd

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75 % SP @ 300- 400 gm / acre or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml /acre or acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Control of Aphids on Bitter Gourd

  • The affected parts turn yellow, get curled, wrinkle and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Spray dimethoate 30 ml per pump or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 10 ml per pump at fortnightly intervals.

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Control of Aphid in Mustard

  • Plants are infested at all the stages.
  • Both nymph and adults suck the sap from leaves, inflorescence or the developing pods.
  • Curling may occur for infested leaves and at advanced stage plants may wither and die.

Control Measures

  • Use crop rotation.
  • Apply a recommended dose of fertilizers.
  • Destroy the affected parts along with the aphid population in the initial stage.
  • Spray the crop with one of the following insecticides in the aphid appearance.
  • Imidacloprid 17.8% @ 100 ml/acre or Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 75 gm/acre or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 325 ml/acre.
  • Spraying should be done in the evening time.

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Control of Aphids on Bottle Gourd

  • The affected parts turn yellow, get curled, wrinkle and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Spray dimethoate 30 ml per pump or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL 10 ml per pump at fortnightly intervals.

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Control of Aphids on Sponge Gourd and Ridge Gourd

Control of Aphids on Sponge Gourd and Ridge Gourd

  • The affected parts turn yellow, get curled, wrinkle and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Spray dimathoat 30 ml per pump or Imidaclorpid 17.8% SL 10 ml per pump at fortnightly intervals.

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