How to control Aphid in Green gram

How to control Aphid in Green gram
  • Aphids are small, soft-bodied small insects that can be yellow, brown, green, or black.
  • They usually suck the sap from the plant by forming groups on the corners of small leaves and twigs and secrete sticky substance (honeydew), which increases the chances of fungal diseases.
  • Leaves and twigs may wither or become yellow due to severe infestation.
  • Spraying of Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 100 gram/acre or Imidacloprid 17.8 %SL @ 100 ml/acre or  Flonicamid 50% WG @ 60 gram/ acre to protect against aphid.
  • Use Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre as biological treatment.

Management of aphids and jassids

Management of aphids and jassids
  • Aphid and jassid is an insect sucking pest of jacid crops. They are very small in size. Their shape is like the tip of a lentil. It is usually yellow-green or white with dark spots on its front wings. Jassids fly away when there is a slight movement on the crop. In crops, these kits suck the juice from the leaves and under the buds of the leaves.
  • For control of aphid and jassid, Imidacloprid 60% FS or Thiamethoxam 30% FS with 10 ml/kg seed should be given. This seed treatment keeps the crop free from sucking pests for one month.
  • Spraying of imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml / acre or acetamiprid 20% WP @ 100 gram / acre or  acephate 50% + imidacloprid 1.8% SP @ 400 g / acre.

Biological Treatment:

  • Bavaria Basiana should be sprayed at the rate of 1 kg per acre.
  • Spraying of metrazium at the rate of 1 kg per acre

How to identify and protect Aphid insect in Chili crop

How to identify and protect Aphid insect in Chili crop
  • Aphid is a small, soft bodied insect that can be yellow, brown or black colour. 
  • They usually sucking from the plant by forming colonies at the corners of small leaves and release sticky honeydew, which increases the chances of fungal diseases.
  • Leaves and twigs may wither or become yellow due to severe infection.
  • To protect against Aphid pests, spray 100 gram Thiamethoxam 25 WG or 100 ml Imidacloprid 17.8% SL with 200 liters of water per acre.
  • Use Beauveria bassiana 1 kg per acre by biological means or can also be used in combination with the above pesticide.

Management of Aphid in moong crop

  • Spray Confidor(Imidacloprid) @ 100 ml +  250 gram beauveria bassiana/acre or
  •  Spray Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 100gm/acre or
  • Spry acetamiprid 20% SP @ 40-80 gm/acre
  • pick the aphids from the plant by hands or remove infected plant parts.
  • Do not over-water or over-fertilize the crop. 

Identification of Aphid in moong crop –

  • Severe infestation can cause leaves and shoots to curl, wilt and stunted plant growth.
  • The honeydew secreted by the aphid after secretion causes many fungal diseases on plants.
  • The development of mould on the leaves indicates this problem.
  • Dry and warm climates are optimal for the growth of aphids.

Management of Leaf Roll Virus in Potato

Management of Leaf Roll Virus in Potato:-

  • The disease is managed by using virus-free seed potatoes.
  • Multiplying virus-free seed in aphid free areas.
  • Population of aphid vectors is controlled by application of suitable contact/systemic insecticides.
  • For effictive control of aphid, Spray Acetamiprid 20% SP @ 10 Gm/ 15 Litre water or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 10 Ml/15 Litre water.

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Control of Aphids in Pea

  • Small green insects, adults are large pear-shaped green, yellow or pink in color.


  • Suck the plant sap from leaves, flowers, and pods.
  • The affected leaves often get cupped or become irregularly distorted, shoots become stunted and malformed.  
  • Honeydew secreted by the aphids encourages the growth of Sooty mold.

Aphid of Cucumber

Nymphs and adults are both soft-bodied pear-shaped, blackish in colour.

  • Large colonies of nymphs and adults are found on tender twigs and shoots as also on ventral leaf surface sucking the vital sap from the tissues.
  • The affected parts turn yellow, get curled, wrinkled and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Fruit size and quality is also reduced.
  • The aphids also exude copious quantity of honeydew on which sooty mould develops, in turn, hinder the photosynthetic activity of the vines, resulting in stunted growth.
  • The fruits covered by sooty mould look unattractive and lose their market value.
  • Profenophos 50% EC  @ 400ml/acre OR
  • Acetamipride 20 % SP 40-80 gm/acre OR
  • Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP @ 300 gm/acre

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Control of Aphid in Bottle gourd

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75 % SP @ 300- 400 gm / acre or
  • Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml /acre or 
  • acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Aphids Attack in Chilli Crop

Aphids Attack in Chilli Crop:-

  • Nymphs and adults are both soft bodied pear shaped, blackish in colour.
  • Appear on the tender shoots, leaves and on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Suck the sap and reduce the vigor of the plant.
  • Secrete sweet substances which attract ants and develop sooty mold.

Control:-Spray the crop with Following insecticides at 15-20 days interval till the end of aphid population checked.

  1. Profenofos 50% EC @ 50 ml/ Pump.
  2. Acetamiprid 20 SP @ 10 gm/Pump.
  3. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 7 ml/pump.
  4. Fipronil 5% SC @ 40 ml/Pump.

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