Calcium deficiency in tomato

Twice spray of calcium EDTA @ 15 Gm/ 15 litre of water at time of appear deficiency symptoms.


Seed treatment of Potato

Seed treatment of Potato:- Potato an tuberous crop that infects various fungal disease which spread through seed and soil, therefore seed treatment is very important in potato. Potato seed treatment should be done by Carboxin 37. 5% + Thiram 37. 5% @ 200 gm / acre or carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP @ 200 gm / acre.

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Control of leaf miner in Tomato

Leaf miner is the major pest in Tomato crop that causes damage in early stage. to control leaf miner in Tomato, spraying of traizofos 40% EC @ 40 Ml/ 15 litre water or Cartap hydrochloride 50% SP @ 25 Gm/15 litre water should be done.

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Control of Bacterial leaf spot disease in Tomato

The disease heavily reduces the yields. For effective control, spray Streptomycin Sulphate I.P. 90% w/w Tetracycline Hydrochloride 10% w/w @ 2 Gm/ 15 litre Water or Kasugamycin 3% SL @ 40ml / 15 litre water + Copper oxychloride 50% WP @ 40 Gm/15 litre water on the appearance of initial symptoms of disease.

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Best source of sulphur application in soyabean

Soybean is a Oilseed crop in which sulphur plays the role as an important element, although sulphur is given in many forms, but by giving sulphur 80% WDG as spraying, it also works as fungicide and miticide, so use sulphur 80% WDG @ 50 gm / 15 liters of water.

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For better flowering in soybean

On flowering stage in Soybean spray of Gibbrelic acid @ 50 ppm get more number of flower, increase flower and pods setting and reduce flower dropping.

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Corona Epidemic: Take these precautions during harvesting and threshing of Rabi crops

At Gramophone we strive to create a difference in farming by bringing timely information, technology and right kind of inputs to achieve better yields for farmers. Our endeavour is to bring the best products and knowledge to the farmers. Gramophone is one stop solution for all kinds of inputs for the farmers. Farmers can buy genuine crop protection, crop nutrition, seeds, implements and agri hardware at their doorstep.

We believe that technology can remove information asymmetry in the agriculture system. Farmers can access localized package of practice, crop advisory, weather information coupled with the best products to grow. This will improve the productivity and help farmers sustainably increase the income from agriculture.
