What are the rates of wheat in the mandis of Madhya Pradesh

wheat mandi rates

What is the price of wheat in different mandis of Madhya Pradesh. Let’s see the complete list.

Rates of Wheat in the mandis of Madhya Pradesh
District Market Variety Minimum Price (per quintal) Maximum Price (per quintal)
Ratlam Alot Wheat 2657 2747
Shajapur Agar Wheat 1580 2881
Panna Ajaygarh Mill Quality 2500 2520
Alirajpur Alirajpur Wheat 2600 2600
Satna Amarpatan Mill Quality 2555 2570
Badwani Anjad Wheat 2540 2610
Anupur Anuppur Wheat 2500 2500
Guna Aron Wheat 2625 3390
Ashoknagar Ashoknagar Mill Quality 2875 4280
Ashoknagar Ashoknagar Other 4205 4205
Ashoknagar Ashoknagar Wheat 2450 4395
Sehore Ashta Wheat 2100 4180
Chhatarpur Badamalhera Mill Quality 2505 2620
Shivpuri Badarwas Wheat 2590 3305
Ujjain Badnagar Mill Quality 2730 2730
Ujjain Badnagar Wheat 2400 2855
Dhar Badnawar Wheat 2400 2955
Shajapur Badod Wheat 2595 2680
Khargone Badwaha Wheat 2600 2781
Dewas Bagli Mill Quality 2403 2403
Rewa Baikunthpur Mill Quality 2500 2570
Hoshangabad Banapura Local 2540 2830
Sagar Banda Wheat 2500 2550
Shivpuri Barad Wheat 2575 2619
Raisen Bareli Mill Quality 2599 2611
Raisen Bareli Wheat 2650 2650
Raisen Begamganj Wheat 2585 2686
Shehdol Beohari Mill Quality 2503 2503
Shehdol Beohari Wheat 2500 2500
Bhopal Berasia Local 2592 2849
Bhopal Berasia Mill Quality 2455 2656
Bhopal Berasia PISSI 2580 2697
Betul Betul Mill Quality 2615 2690
Datia Bhander Mill Quality 2585 2620
Datia Bhander Other 2605 2610
Datia Bhander Wheat 2610 2620
Mandsaur Bhanpura Mill Quality 2605 2630
Bhind Bhind Wheat 2608 2609
Bhopal Bhopal Wheat 2640 2959
Rajgarh Biaora Mill Quality 2500 2725
Rajgarh Biaora Wheat 2550 2980
Mandla Bichhiya Mill Quality 2200 2200
Chhatarpur Bijawar Mill Quality 2400 2500
Guna Binaganj Wheat 2430 2640
Rewa Chaakghat Mill Quality 2300 2300
Rewa Chaakghat Wheat 2500 2500
Ashoknagar Chanderi Mill Quality 2590 2630
Ashoknagar Chanderi Wheat 2590 2602
Chhindwara Chhindwara Mill Quality 2630 2772
Seoni Chhpara Mill Quality 2500 2650
Gwalior Dabra Wheat 2525 2600
Mandsaur Daloda Lokwan 2634 2761
Mandsaur Daloda Wheat 2550 3035
Damoh Damoh Mill Quality 2500 2530
Damoh Damoh Wheat 2535 2550
Datia Datia Mill Quality 2634 2651
Datia Datia Other 2614 2639
Panna Devandranagar Wheat 2530 2550
Dewas Dewas Wheat 2730 2846
Dhar Dhar Lokwan 2836 2836
Dhar Dhar Malwa Shakti 2450 2450
Dhar Dhar Mill Quality 2575 2840
Dhar Dhar Wheat 2500 2800
Dindori Dindori Local 2500 2500
Dindori Dindori Mill Quality 2275 2275
Narsinghpur Gadarwada Mill Quality 2566 2625
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Malwa Shakti 2593 2615
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Mill Quality 2400 2930
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Mohan Mondal 2639 2639
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Sharbati 2850 3950
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Sujata 2602 2991
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Wheat 2598 3821
Indore Gautampura Lokwan 2500 2500
Indore Gautampura Wheat 2550 2710
Bhind Gohad Mill Quality 2585 2630
Bhind Gohad Wheat 2510 2550
Dindori Gorakhpur Mill Quality 2400 2415
Narsinghpur Gotegaon Mill Quality 2550 2575
Narsinghpur Gotegaon Wheat 2650 2680
Guna Guna Sharbati 2620 2675
Guna Guna Wheat 2620 3960
Dewas Haatpipliya Wheat 2545 3680
Harda Harda Mill Quality 1000 3091
Chhatarpur Harpalpur Wheat 2580 2650
Khandwa Harsood Mill Quality 2580 2650
Khandwa Harsood Wheat 2647 2665
Sehore Ichhawar Wheat 2500 3240
Indore Indore Mill Quality 2567 2941
Indore Indore Wheat 2712 2727
Hoshangabad Itarsi Wheat 2450 2752
Jabalpur Jabalpur Mill Quality 2550 2570
Jabalpur Jabalpur Wheat 2200 2695
Sagar Jaisinagar Mill Quality 2550 2550
Ratlam Jaora Wheat 2500 3081
Tikamgarh Jatara Mill Quality 2540 2570
Tikamgarh Jatara Wheat 2340 2365
Damoh Javera Mill Quality 2560 2570
Sehore Jawar Mill Quality 2500 2725
Sehore Jawar Wheat 2620 2751
Rajgarh Jeerapur Wheat 2575 2685
Jhabua Jhabua Wheat 2451 2500
Alirajpur Jobat Wheat 2675 2675
Morena Kailaras Local 2608 2614
Narsinghpur Kareli Wheat 2401 2450
Shivpuri Karera Lokwan 2500 2550
Khargone Kasrawad Lokwan 2645 2775
Khargone Kasrawad Mill Quality 2695 2790
Katni Katni Mill Quality 2400 2460
Katni Katni Wheat 2494 2630
Sagar Kesli Wheat 2600 2610
Khandwa Khandwa Mill Quality 2658 2658
Khandwa Khandwa Wheat 2500 2700
Shivpuri Khanyadhana Mill Quality 2415 2590
Tikamgarh Khargapur Mill Quality 2500 2560
Khargone Khargone Mill Quality 2581 2651
Khargone Khargone Wheat 2500 2662
Dewas Khategaon Mill Quality 2561 2930
Dewas Khategaon Wheat 2500 2825
Rajgarh Khilchipur Mill Quality 2505 2665
Rajgarh Khilchipur Wheat 2638 2659
Harda Khirakiya Mill Quality 2577 2847
Rajgarh Khujner Wheat 2635 2648
Sagar Khurai Wheat 1500 2900
Shivpuri Kolaras Wheat 2590 2635
Dhar Kukshi Lokwan 2561 2621
Dhar Kukshi Wheat 2600 2600
Guna Kumbhraj Mill Quality 2665 2805
Guna Kumbhraj Wheat 2600 2705
Rajgarh Kurawar Local 2645 2660
Rajgarh Kurawar Mill Quality 2615 2740
Rajgarh Kurawar Wheat 2550 2805
Vidisha Kurwai Wheat 2697 2714
Gwalior Lashkar Wheat 2640 2670
Vidisha Lateri Wheat 2675 2800
Chhatarpur LavKush Nagar(Laundi) Mill Quality 2450 2500
Dewas Loharda Wheat 2550 2580
Ujjain Mahidpur Mill Quality 2350 2400
Ujjain Mahidpur Wheat 2300 3125
Guna Maksudangarh Wheat 2591 2657
Guna Maksudangarh Wheat Mix 2622 2638
Sagar Malthone Wheat 2305 2405
Neemuch Manasa Lokwan 2658 2720
Neemuch Manasa Wheat 2700 2934
Dhar Manawar Wheat 2600 2825
Mandla Mandla Local 2250 2300
Mandla Mandla Mill Quality 60 2500
Mandsaur Mandsaur Lokwan 2550 3141
Mandsaur Mandsaur Wheat 2300 3121
Satna Mehar Local 2430 2580
Indore Mhow Wheat 2400 2801
Balaghat Mohgaon Wheat 2275 2275
Morena Morena Wheat 2636 2638
Bhind Mow Mill Quality 2555 2555
Khandwa Mundi Mill Quality 2565 2650
Ujjain Nagda Wheat 2654 2770
Satna Nagod Mill Quality 2520 2530
Satna Nagod Wheat 2522 2560
Shajapur Nalkehda Wheat 2450 2697
Rajgarh Narsinghgarh Mill Quality 2000 2950
Rajgarh Narsinghgarh Wheat 2975 2975
Narsinghpur Narsinghpur Mill Quality 2600 2690
Sehore Nasrullaganj Wheat 2375 3001
Chhatarpur Naugaon Wheat 2545 2575
Neemuch Neemuch Wheat 2640 3150
Tikamgarh Niwadi Mill Quality 2550 2580
Raisen Obedullaganj Local 2400 2700
Raisen Obedullaganj Mill Quality 2680 2700
Raisen Obedullaganj Wheat 2601 2800
Jabalpur Paatan Mill Quality 2560 2740
Rajgarh Pachaur Wheat 2000 2801
Khandwa Pandhana Wheat 2570 2618
Panna Panna Mill Quality 2540 2560
Panna Panna Wheat 2550 2550
Damoh Patharia Wheat 2573 2609
Panna Pawai Mill Quality 2550 2550
Jhabua Petlawad Lokwan 2600 2600
Jhabua Petlawad Wheat 2415 2541
Shivpuri Pichhour Mill Quality 2540 2565
Shivpuri Pichhour Wheat 2540 2570
Hoshangabad Pipariya Mill Quality 2588 2712
Mandsaur Piplya Wheat 2603 2901
Shivpuri Pohari Mill Quality 2340 2590
Tikamgarh Prithvipur Mill Quality 2525 2562
Raisen Raisen Mill Quality 2600 2730
Chhatarpur Rajnagar Wheat Mix 2400 2505
Satna Ramnagar Mill Quality 2600 2600
Ratlam Ratlam Lokwan 2750 2992
Ratlam Ratlam Wheat 2651 3128
Sagar Rehli Wheat 2575 2575
Rewa Rewa Mill Quality 2516 2602
Rewa Rewa Wheat 2496 2496
Rewa Rewa Wheat 2550 2570
Morena Sabalgarh Mill Quality 2590 2605
Morena Sabalgarh Wheat 2535 2610
Sagar Sagar Mill Quality 2550 3150
Sagar Sagar Wheat 2500 2585
Ratlam Sailana Lokwan 2499 2761
Ratlam Sailana Wheat 2523 2699
Khargone Sanawad Wheat 2641 2769
Indore Sanwer Malwa Shakti 2708 2729
Indore Sanwer Wheat 2685 2732
Rajgarh Sarangpur Mill Quality 2610 2660
Rajgarh Sarangpur Wheat 2634 2650
Satna Satna Wheat 2500 2538
Jabalpur Sehora Mill Quality 1900 2665
Sehore Sehore Local 2750 2750
Sehore Sehore Lokwan 2480 2850
Sehore Sehore Mill Quality 2603 3600
Sehore Sehore Wheat 2746 2746
Sehore Sehore Wheat Mix 2732 2735
Hoshangabad Semriharchand Mill Quality 2575 2575
Badwani Sendhwa Mill Quality 2705 2820
Badwani Sendhwa Wheat 2450 2714
Datia Sevda Mill Quality 2655 2665
Sagar Shahagarh Mill Quality 2500 2585
Shehdol Shahdol Mill Quality 2300 2300
Jabalpur Shahpura(Jabalpur) Mill Quality 2450 2450
Shajapur Shajapur Wheat 2590 3061
Mandsaur Shamgarh Wheat 2525 2891
Sheopur Sheopurbadod Wheat 2591 2706
Sheopur Sheopurkalan Wheat 2720 2720
Shajapur Shujalpur Wheat 2690 2690
Sidhi Sidhi Mill Quality 2290 2350
Sidhi Sidhi Wheat 2340 2345
Raisen Silvani Mill Quality 2543 2610
Panna Simariya Wheat 2268 2325
Harda Sirali Mill Quality 2619 2720
Vidisha Sironj Sharbati 2550 3750
Vidisha Sironj Wheat 2440 3705
Mandsaur Sitmau Lokwan 2575 2800
Mandsaur Sitmau Mill Quality 2060 2060
Dewas Sonkatch Wheat 2500 2794
Shajapur Susner Wheat 2511 2551
Ujjain Tarana Wheat 2852 2852
Narsinghpur Tendukheda Wheat 2580 2580
Tikamgarh Tikamgarh Mill Quality 2597 2618
Tikamgarh Tikamgarh Wheat 2530 2620
Harda Timarni Wheat 2425 2825
Raisen Udaipura Mill Quality 1000 2625
Ujjain Ujjain Wheat 2100 3200
Ujjain Ujjain Wheat 3088 3088
Umariya Umariya Local 2540 2540
Umariya Umariya Lokwan 2350 2350
Umariya Umariya Mill Quality 2285 2475
Umariya Umariya Wheat 2325 2560
Umariya Umariya Wheat 2510 2550
Ujjain Unhel Wheat 2565 2565
Vidisha Vidisha Mill Quality 2460 2610
Vidisha Vidisha Wheat 2533 2965

Source: Agmarknet

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Protect Soybean crop from Anthracnose or Pod Blight

Protect Soybean crop from Anthracnose or Pod Blight
  • It is a seed and soil-borne disease.

  • If the infected seed is planted, early disease development may result in damping-off (plant death by seed or seedling rot).

  • During the flowering stage of soybean, red to dark brown irregularly shaped spots appear on the stem, petiole and pod.

  • Later these spots get filled with black structures (acervulai) and small thorn-like structures of the fungus.

  • Symptoms of this disease are yellow-brown veins on leaves, curling and falling.

How to control Anthracnose or Pod Blight in Soybean crop:

  • Healthy seeds should be selected for sowing.

  • The seed should be treated with Vitavax(Thiram+Carboxin) @ 2 g/kg of seed before sowing.

  • Continuous sowing in the same plot should be avoided.

  • Spray the crop with Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% +Mancozeb 63% WP)@ 400 Gm/Acre at 10-15 days intervals, first spray be given on the appearance of symptoms.

  • In Several Attacks, spray the crop with Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 200 ml/Acre.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to share it with friends.


Heavy rain will occur in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi

know the weather forecast,

The depression is now located over Madhya Pradesh, its effect is fully visible over Madhya Pradesh and heavy rain is occurring in many districts. Now rain activities will start and increase in Delhi, South Haryana and East Rajasthan including Uttar Pradesh and heavy rain is expected here during the next two days. A new low pressure area will form in the Bay of Bengal within two days which will increase rain activities over Gangetic West Bengal and then its effect will be seen over Madhya Pradesh including Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh. The weather of Saurashtra and Kutch as well as Western Rajasthan, Western Haryana and Western Punjab will remain almost dry.

Source: Skymet Weather

For information related to weather forecasts, do visit Gramophone App daily. If you liked today’s information, then do share it.


Bumper subsidy is being given on setting up a vermicompost unit

Bumper subsidy is being given on setting up a vermicompost unit

Excessive use of chemical fertilizers reduces the yield capacity of the soil of the field. That is why the government is encouraging farmers to use vermicompost instead of these fertilizers. The Rajasthan government is going one step further and is also providing subsidy facility to the farmers of the state for setting up a vermicompost unit.

It is worth noting that this initiative of the government will improve the biological and physical condition of the soil of the fields of the state and at the same time the yield capacity of the field will also improve. Apart from this, the environment will also be safe with this initiative.

Let us tell you that subsidy for setting up a vermicompost unit will be given on first come first serve basis. Actually, the state government has set a target of starting 100 permanent vermicompost units. The government will provide a subsidy of 50% (maximum Rs 50,000) to the farmers for setting up the unit. If you also want to take advantage of this scheme, then you must visit Raj Kisan Sathi Portal and complete the online application process.

Source: Krishi Jagran

For information related to beneficial government schemes related to agriculture and farmers, read Gramophone’s articles daily. Do not forget to share this article with your friends from the share button given below.


What are the rates of mustard in the mandis of Madhya Pradesh?

Mustard mandi bhaw

A rise is being seen in the market price of mustard. See what are the prices of mustard in different mandis of Madhya Pradesh!

Rates of Mustard in the mandis of MP
District Market Variety Minimum Price (per quintal) Maximum Price (per quintal)
Shajapur Agar Mustard 3800 5511
Ashoknagar Ashoknagar Mustard 5450 5640
Ashoknagar Ashoknagar Mustard-Organic 4400 5640
Sehore Ashta Mustard 5101 5550
Chhatarpur Badamalhera Mustard 5496 5506
Shivpuri Barad Mustard 5700 6050
Raisen Begamganj Mustard 5235 5290
Shehdol Beohari Mustard(Black) 5000 5000
Bhopal Berasia Mustard(Black) 5555 5605
Betul Betul Mustard 5000 5600
Betul Betul Yellow (Black) 5300 5400
Bhind Bhind Mustard 5500 5500
Bhopal Bhopal Mustard 4650 4650
Mandla Bichhiya Mustard 5200 5400
Chhatarpur Bijawar Mustard 4105 4505
Chhatarpur Bijawar Mustard(Black) 5350 5500
Guna Binaganj Mustard 5000 5500
Chhatarpur Chhatarpur Mustard 5400 5550
Mandsaur Daloda Mustard 5210 5351
Damoh Damoh Mustard 4300 5740
Dewas Dewas Mustard 5696 5696
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Mustard 3650 6410
Vidisha Ganjbasoda Mustard-Organic 4370 5141
Bhind Gohad Mustard(Black) 5550 5995
Bhind Gohad Yellow (Black) 5930 5955
Guna Guna Mustard 4025 5655
Harda Harda Mustard 4651 5451
Hoshangabad Itarsi Mustard 5154 5154
Jabalpur Jabalpur Mustard 4955 5230
Katni Katni Mustard 5270 5538
Katni Katni Mustard(Black) 5021 5560
Tikamgarh Khargapur Mustard 5200 5400
Sagar Khurai Mustard 4220 6325
Shivpuri Kolaras Mustard 4805 5955
Rajgarh Kurawar Mustard 5245 5305
Gwalior Lashkar Mustard 5830 6050
Chhatarpur LavKush Nagar(Laundi) Mustard 5100 5500
Neemuch Manasa Mustard 5550 5738
Mandsaur Mandsaur Mustard 5181 5760
Morena Morena Mustard 5695 5925
Rajgarh Narsinghgarh Mustard 4800 4800
Tikamgarh Palera Mustard 5000 5350
Hoshangabad Pipariya Mustard 4800 4800
Morena Porsa Mustard(Black) 5620 5710
Chhatarpur Rajnagar Mustard(Black) 5000 5200
Rewa Rewa Mustard(Black) 5290 5330
Morena Sabalgarh Mustard(Black) 5845 5975
Sagar Sagar Mustard-Organic 5100 5100
Satna Satna Mustard 4700 5600
Satna Satna Mustard 5500 5600
Sehore Sehore Mustard 5230 5230
Sheopur Sheopurkalan Mustard 5800 5900
Shivpuri Shivpuri Mustard 5510 5510
Shajapur Shujalpur Mustard 5245 5245
Mandsaur Sitmau Mustard 5353 5353
Tikamgarh Tikamgarh Mustard 5200 5300
Tikamgarh Tikamgarh Mustard-Organic 5385 5540
Harda Timarni Mustard 4375 4375
Vidisha Vidisha Mustard 3902 5595
Sheopur Vijaypur Mustard 5600 5600

Source: Agmarknet

To know the information related to agriculture and the latest market price, keep reading Gramophone articles. If you liked today’s information then do share it with friends.


Importance of Zinc or good crop production

Importance of Zinc or good crop production
  • Zinc is needed strongly for the development of plants. It is one of the eighth essential micronutrients. In India, Zinc (Zn) is now considered the fourth most important yield-limiting nutrient in agricultural crops.

  • Deficiency in Zinc might result in a significant reduction in crop yields and quality. In fact, yield can be reduced by over 20% before any visual symptoms of the deficiency.

  • In plants, Zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and protein synthesis.

  • It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.

  • It is often deficient in alkaline, rocky soil.

  • Young leaves of Zinc deficient plants are small with yellow interveinal mottling.

  • Soil application of Zinc Sulphate @ 20 kg/acre is recommended to reduce the damage.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to share it with friends.


Monsoon will not weaken now, heavy rain will continue

know the weather forecast,

A new low pressure area will soon form in the Bay of Bengal. The depression is currently moving towards central India. Now there will be torrential rains in many districts of Chhattisgarh, Vidarbha, northern Telangana, and Madhya Pradesh. There is also a possibility of heavy rain in the southern districts of Uttar Pradesh. Along with eastern Rajasthan, eastern Gujarat, now the rain will also intensify in Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura. Light rain will be seen in some districts of Haryana including Delhi in the afternoon. There will be a decrease in rain activity in Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Odisha during the next two days.

Source: Skymet Weather

For information on weather forecasts, do visit the Gramophone app daily. If you liked today’s information, then do share it.


Agricultural machinery will be available at just half the price, the government is giving bumper subsidy

Agricultural machinery will be available at just half the price

The machines used in farming have now made farming very easy. However, these farming machines are very expensive which ordinary farmers cannot buy. For this reason, the government runs many types of schemes so that farmers are able to buy these machines through subsidy. The Rajasthan government has made a provision of a huge subsidy of up to 50% on the purchase of agricultural machines for the economically weaker farmers of its state.

This subsidy is being provided by the Rajasthan government under the Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization Scheme. Let us tell you that as a result of this initiative of the state government, agricultural machines worth up to Rs 200 crore will be made available to about 66 thousand farmers. Under this scheme, subsidy will be given on many machines like rotavator, thresher, cultivator, bund farmer, reaper, seed cum fertilizer drill, disc harrow, plow. Here it is to be noted that the benefit of 50% subsidy will be available to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Small, Marginal and Women farmers of the state. Farmers coming under the general category can avail subsidy of up to 40% under this scheme. For more information about the scheme, you can visit the official website and can also apply online.

Source: Krishi Jagran

For information related to beneficial government schemes related to agriculture and farmers, read the articles of Gramophone daily. Do not forget to share this article with your friends from the share button given below.


Garlic rates continue to rise, rates reach Rs 29000

garlic mandi rate,

What is the price of garlic today in different mandis of Madhya Pradesh? Let’s see the complete list.

Rates of Garlic in the mandis of MP
District Market Variety Minimum Price (per quintal) Maximum Price (per quintal)
Shajapur Agar Garlic 6400 26700
Ujjain Badnagar Average 3050 3050
Dhar Badnawar Average 15250 19000
Dhar Badnawar Garlic 10100 18000
Rajgarh Biaora Garlic 10000 15000
Indore Gautampura Garlic 10500 21000
Indore Indore Average 10100 17100
Indore Indore Garlic 1800 29000
Ratlam Jaora Average 17600 17600
Ratlam Jaora Garlic 12000 22000
Shajapur Kalapipal Garlic 12000 14000
Mandsaur Mandsaur Garlic 19900 19900
Sehore Sehore Garlic 13900 26011
Shajapur Shajapur Garlic 10500 22800
Shajapur Shujalpur Desi 10801 25275
Shajapur Soyatkalan Garlic 21000 21000

Source: Agmarknet

Keep reading Gramophone’s articles daily for the latest market price and all the important information on the agriculture sector. If you liked today’s article then don’t forget to share.


Trichoderma’s importance in agriculture

Trichoderma's importance in agriculture
  • Many fungi are found naturally in soil, some of which are harmful while some are beneficial.

  • Trichoderma is one of the beneficial fungi.

  • It is a Bio-fungicide that is very important and useful in agriculture.

  • Trichoderma kills soil-borne diseases like Fusarium, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, etc.

  • Helps to prevent diseases affecting crops such as wet rot, root rot, wilt, stem rot, fruit rot, scorching, etc.

  • Trichoderma prevents disease-causing agents and plays an important role in crop development

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to share it with friends.
