Farmers will be given technical knowledge to join food processing in MP

Farmers will be given technical knowledge to join food processing in MP

The Madhya Pradesh government is taking several decisions to increase the income of farmers. In this series, the Madhya Pradesh government has taken a new initiative to connect farmers with the food processing business. The government has announced to provide technical knowledge to farmers.

This information was given by Bharat Singh Kushwaha, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Food Processing in the Government of Madhya Pradesh. He said that ‘farmers should work towards becoming a business of produce by joining farming production as well as food processing. Farmers will need technical skills to join the food processing business, for which the government is ready to help them. The government will provide financial assistance to the farmers as well as knowledge of technical skills.



Bird flu havoc in many states including Madhya Pradesh

Bird flu havoc in many states including Madhya Pradesh

Bird flu is spreading rapidly in many states of the country and efforts are being made by the government to deal with it. The poultry market has been affected in many states due to bird flu. According to the news, poultry business is currently banned in many states including Madhya Pradesh.

Giving information about this growing infection of bird flu, Union Minister Sanjeev Balayan said that the bird flu infection has been confirmed in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Kerala and in view of its increasing cases, on behalf of the Central Government A control room has also been built in the capital Delhi. This control room in Delhi will be in touch with all the states of the country. Let us know that the case of avian influenza was first reported in India in 2006.

Source: Jagran


MP government will open e-mandi, farmers will get fair price of produce

MP government will open e-mandi, farmers will get fair price of produce

To provide a fair price to the farmers of Madhya Pradesh, the Shivraj Chauhan government of the state has made preparations for starting e-mandis. Taking steps in this direction, 45 such primary agricultural credit cooperatives have been selected in Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur and Ujjain regions, where there is a facility for warehousing or there is space available to build a warehouse.

It has been decided to establish e-mandi at these selected places in the coming three years. In these mandis, the price will be determined by showing a sample to the traders through the Internet. If the farmers are satisfied with the fixed price then the deal will be done.

Source: Jagran


Youth of MP will be trained in solar energy technology

Youth of MP will be trained in solar energy technology

The government is constantly promoting solar energy in the country. Efforts are also being made to increase the income of farmers by using solar energy and for this purpose, Kusum Yojana has been started. In view of the increasing trend of solar energy, now the state governments are also training youths for employment generation in rural areas.

Energy Swaraj Foundation along with Madhya Pradesh Energy Development Corporation and Rajiv Gandhi Technological University is going to provide six days of paid practical training from 5 to 10 April 2021 for skill development in the field of solar energy technology for young entrepreneurs in Madhya Pradesh.

Under this, the target is to train ten people from each district of Madhya Pradesh state. If you have graduated in ITI / Diploma / Engineering / Science and your maximum age is 40 years, then you can join this training. The last date to apply for joining is February 28. Mail this email address ( for the application form.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Animal owner was fined for dung on the road in this city of Madhya Pradesh

Animal owner was fined for dung on the road in this city of Madhya Pradesh

Something has been done by the Gwalior Municipal Corporation of Madhya Pradesh, which is causing resentment among the cattlemen. In fact, a dairy operator has been fined Rs 10,000 by the Gwalior Municipal Corporation. This fine was paid to the owner of a buffalo when he dung.

Regarding this fine, the Municipal Corporation said that the intention of imposing a fine is not to create an atmosphere of fear among the cattlemen, but to keep the roads clean. The corporation said that the dirt of the roads will not be washed for any reason. If anyone is found doing dirt on the road, then he will be punished by law.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Potato chips manufacturing unit to be built in Karnawad Madhya Pradesh

Potato chips manufacturing unit to be built in Karnawad Madhya Pradesh

A processing farmers training camp for potato crop was organized in the state of Dewas in Madhya Pradesh recently. The chief guest of this event was MLA Mrs. Gayatri Raje Panwar and Collector Mr. Chandramouli Shukla. 250 farmers participated in this training.

During this, Collector Shri Chandramouli Shukla informed that a cluster of food processing is being started in Karnawad of Bagli section by forming a cluster of food processing. He said that the income of farmers will double with this new beginning. He said that selling potatoes produced by farmers directly in the mandi does not fetch good prices, so they can earn good income by processing potatoes.

Source: Krishak Jagran
