Collar rot disease increasing in chilli crop, identify the symptoms and treat them

Collar rot disease increasing in chilli crop
  • Collar rot disease increasing in chilli crop, identify the symptoms and treat them

  • The lower portion of the stem is affected by the soil-borne inoculum.

  • Its main symptom is a deformity in the plant.

  • Exposure and necrosis of underlying tissues may lead to the collapse of the plant.

  • Near the ground surface on the stem may be seen the mycelia.

  • Lack of plant vigour accumulation of water around the stem and mechanical injuries help in the development of this disease.

    Control of Collar rot in Chilli

  • Destroy the debris of diseased plants.

  • Crop rotation and ensure good drainage.

  • Sowing of seeds on raised nursery beds.

  • Treating seeds with Carmanova (Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 64%) @ 3 gm/ kg seeds before sowing.

  • Soil drenching with Bavistin(Carbendazim 50%) @ 300 gm/acre or Novaxyl (Metalaxyl 8%+Mancozeb 64%) @ 500 gm/acre.

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Symptoms and control measures of Gall midge in paddy crop

Symptoms and control measures of Gall midge in paddy crop

The life cycle of this insect is 14 to 20 days. Due to this, there is a decline in crop production by 25 to 30 percent or more. The maggots of this insect enter inside by eating the top of the new bud and a gall is formed at the base of the tiller which later takes the form of a pipe like structure. Thereby forming a ponga similar to “onion-leaf” or “silver-shoot”. panicle does not produce in the affected tiller.  

Control measures:

To control this pest, take a spray of Thianova 25 @ 40gm +  Silicomaxx @ 50 ml/acre @ 150 to 200 Ltr of water. Or apply Fury @ 10 kg per acre in soil.

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Root Knot Nematode will cause harm in tomato, control it like this

Root Knot Nematode will cause harm in tomato
  • The nematode attacks the roots and produces tiny galls. These galls then block the movement of nutrients and water in the plant system resulting in its wilting and finally leading to its death. Symptoms include yellowing of the foliage and wilting of the upper leaves.

  • This can be avoided by using resistant varieties. Use deep ploughing as a method to control root-knot nematodes. Neem cake at the rate of 80 Kg/Acre should be applied for effective control. Carbofuran 3G at the rate of 8 kg/acre should be applied as a soil treatment.

  • Paecilomyces lilacinus (Nematofree) @ 10 gram/kg seed for seed treatment, 50 gm/meter sq for nursery treatment. Paecilomyces lilacinus (Nematofree) @ 3 kg/acre used as a soil treatment.

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Leaf blight problem and prevention measures in maize crop

Leaf blight problem and prevention measures in maize crop

Leaf blight is a major disease of maize. Symptoms of the disease appear on the leaves. Yellowish brown elliptical spots are formed in the center of the leaf veins, which later become square in length. This makes the leaves look burnt. Due to which all the leaves appear scorched.

Preventive measures

Spray M 45 (Mancozeb 75% WP) @ 700 gm or Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 400 gm OR Godiwa Super (Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% w/w SC) @ 200 ml + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml,  per acre @ 150 to 200 liters of water.

Biological Management

Spray Combat (Trichoderma Viride @ 500 gm) or Monas-curb (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% WP) @ 500 gm per acre, @ 150 to 200 ltr of water.

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Know why staking is important in tomato crop?

Know why staking is important in tomato crop

At the time of tomato fruiting, the plant falls down due to the excess weight of the tomato plant. Due to this, the crop gets destroyed. Due to this, the farmer has to bear heavy losses. Along with this, pests and diseases are also more prone to fall under the plant. Therefore, to keep the tomatoes from falling down, tie them with wire and keep them safe.

Method and benefits of staking

For staking, 10-foot-high bamboo poles are placed at a distance of 10 feet along the side of the ridge. Iron wire is tied on these poles at a 2-2 feet height. After that, the plants are connected to the wire with the help of twine, due to which these plants grow upwards. The height of these plants reaches up to 5-8 feet, due to which not only the plant becomes intense, but the fruit is also better. In addition, the fruit is also saved from rotting. By this method, more profit can be obtained than conventional farming.

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Stem borer infestation will increase in paddy crop, know the control measures

Stem borer infestation will increase in paddy crop
  • Dead Hearts or dead tillers can be easily pulled from the base during the vegetative stages.

  • White earheads during the reproductive stage where the emerging panicles are whitish and unfilled or empty.

  • Tiny holes on the stems and tillers or Frass or faecal matter inside the damaged stems.

  • Dead earheads and whiteheads symptoms may sometimes be confused with damages caused by rats, neck blasts, and black bug diseases.

  • To confirm stem borer damage, visually inspect rice crops for dead earheards in the vegetative stages and whiteheads in the reproductive stages.

  • Stems can be pulled and dissected for larvae and pupae for confirmation of stem borer damage.

    For Control

  • ProfeNova Super(Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 04 % EC)@ 400ml/acre or FipNova(Fipronil 5% SC)@400ml/acre or

  • Novalice (Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG)@ 40gm/acre.

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Outbreak of Shoot and fruit borer will increase in brinjal crop, prevent soon

Outbreak of Shoot and fruit borer will increase in brinjal crop
  • Shoot and fruit borer are considered the most destructive pests of brinjal crop.

  • The crop is affected by the drugs in both the vegetative and fruit stages.

  • This insect remains active throughout the year in a place with a moderate climate.

  • Eggshells, grapes, flower buds and sometimes the only details on the ventral surface of the flowers are below.

  • When young, the caterpillars are restless and bore into the cecals and midribs of young tender stems, sealing the entry point with excrement and feeding inside.

  • Affected leaves dry up and fall down while the growth point is destroyed in case of scab. In the later stage, the caterpillars bore holes in the flower buds and fruits.

  • To control it, use Novalaxam (Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% + Thiamethoxam12.9% ZC) @ 50-80ml per acre.

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Outbreak of downy mildew will cause heavy loss in cucumber crop

Outbreak of downy mildew will cause heavy loss in cucumber crop
  • Symptoms of downy mildew are confined to the leaves and their appearance varies widely among cucurbit species. On most species, lesions are first visible on the upper leaf surface as small, irregular to angular, slightly chlorotic areas.

  • Symptoms appear first on older leaves and progress to younger leaves as they expand.

  • When conditions (leaf wetness and humidity) favour sporulation, the production of fruiting bodies (sporangia) on the lower leaf surface gives the undersides of the lesions a downy appearance, varying in colour from light grey to deep purple.

  • Lesions can coalesce and result in large areas of dead tissue which exposes the fruit to sunscald. Extensive defoliation can occur when conditions are favourable.

  • For its control, apply Novaxyl (Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP) @ 1 kg/acre or Jatayu (Chlorothalonil 75% WP) @ 300 g/acre.

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The outbreak of maggot will increase in onions, this is how to protect

The outbreak of maggot will increase in onions
  • Onion maggot is a very small white colored insect and it causes a lot of damage to onion tubers.

  • In large tubers, 9 to 10 maggots attack simultaneously and make it hollow. Due to this, onion bulb rots completely.

  • Symptoms of its infestation appear as wilting and yellowing of leaves, after which the leaves start falling. Leaves may rot and plants may die as infestations progress.

  • Onion plants are most vulnerable during the seedling stage, and seedlings can be killed by larval feeding.

  • These insects can cause damage to the onion crop throughout the crop cycle, although they are widely known to frequently infect the crop during the vegetative stage.

  • If the attack of this pest occurs in the last stage of the crop, then due to this the possibility of storage rot problem increases.

  • To control maggots in Onion, use Caldan 4G (Cartap Hydrochloride) @ 7.5 kg/acre or Fax GR (Fipronil 00.30% GR) 8.0 kg/acre.

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Save sugarcane crop from red rot disease, know the control measures

Save sugarcane crop from red rot disease
  • This fungus mainly attacks the stem and leaves of the sugarcane plant. the leaves of the upper portion of the plant become pale and dark red which ultimately droop down.

  • The stem splits and many red-coloured longitudinal streaks are formed on it. The red colouring is mainly in the vascular bundles and often in the pith.

  • At severe infection, the stem gets rotten, shrinks at internodes, and becomes dull in appearance. The pathogen attacks all the parts above the ground, but more especially the canes stems, and midribs of leaves.

  • When the diseased canes(stems) are split open, the tissues of the internodes will be found longitudinally reddened (normally white or yellowish-white) in one or more internodes.

  • This red colour is interrupted by white patches extending crosswise on the canes. In the case of true red rot, the red colour extends through many internodes.

  • To control it, remove the affected bunches at the initial stage and drench the soil with Carbendazim 50 WP (1 gram per 1 liter of water).

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