Outbreak and prevention of sucking pests like Aphids, Jassids and Whitefly in cotton

Both the nymph and adult of this insect suck the sap by staying on the lower surface of the leaves. These are very small insects in size, which are found in groups on the lower surface of cotton leaves. These insects suck the sap from the leaves of the plant, due to which the shape of the leaves gets spoiled and the plant becomes weak. These insects emit honeydew on the leaves, due to which a black layer is formed on the leaves of the plants, due to which the photosynthesis process does not take place. Due to this the plants start drying up.

Prevention: To prevent these pests, seed should be treated before sowing. If pest is observed, apply Neemgold (Neem Oil 3000 PPM at 1 Litre/acre) or Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana 5% WP)  500 gm/acre or Pager (Diafenthiuron 50 % WP) 240 gm/acre or Ulala (Flonicamid 50% WG) 60 gm/acre Mix it in 200 liters of water and spray it.

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