Attack of leaf miner in Ridge gourd

Attack of leaf miner in Ridge gourd
  • Its adult is a light yellow fly that lays eggs on the leaves.

  • White zigzag lines are formed on the leaves and leaves dry out and fall when there is more outbreak.

  • Fruiting problems are seen in plants affected by this insect, which reduces the yield

  • Remove the weed from the field and its surroundings.

  • To prevent this, spray Clorida (Imidacloprid 17.80% S.L) @ 40 ml/ acre or Benevia(Cyantraniliprole 10.26 % OD) 360 ml/acre.

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Use of Decomposers after soybean harvesting

Use of Decomposers after soybean harvesting
  • After harvesting the soybean crop, crop residues remain in the field in huge quantities.

  • These residues can cause high rates of fungal and bacterial disease infection in the next crop.

  • Due to this reason,  the new crop is affected by root rot, stem rot, etc. diseases. 

  • After soybean harvesting, it is very important to use decomposers either in an empty field or after sowing the crop to control these fungal and bacterial diseases. 

  • To avoid this the farmer can use liquid decomposers at the rate of 1 litre per acre by the means of spraying.

  • Apart from this, Gramophone provides a brand of decomposer to the farmers known as speed compost, usage is 4 kg of speed compost per acre combined with 10 kg of urea, mix this combination in 50-100 kg of soil and broadcast in the field. 

  • Make sure that there is enough moisture in the field while using this decomposer.

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Stem fly infestation will be fatal for soybean crop

Stem fly infestation will be fatal for soybean crop
  • The Main Causes For Stem Fly/Stem Borer In Soybean Crop Are Very Dense Sowing Of The Crop, Inappropriate Use Of Pesticides, Non-Adoption Of The Crop rotation.

  • The Most Important Thing For The Control Of Stem Fly In Soybean Crops Is Appropriate Control In The Early Stage Of The Infection Of The Caterpillar.

  • A Spray Of Beauveria Bassiana Periodically Is Very Important To Control of the Stem Fly.

A Spray Of The Following Products Is Crucial For The Control Of Stem Fly In The Soybean Crop.

  • Thionova (Thiamethoxam 25% Wg) @ 100 Gram / Acre + Denitol (Fenpropathrin 10% Ec) @ 400 Ml / Acre.

  • Or Thionova (Thiamethoxam 25% Wg @ 100 Gram / Acre + Bave Curb (Beauveria Bassiana) @ 250 Gram / Acre.

  • Or Fipnova (Fipronil 5% Sc) @ 400 Ml / Acre Or Denitol (Fenpropathrin 10% Ec) @ 400 Ml / Acre +Bave Curb (Beauveria Bassiana) @ 250 Gram / Acre.

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Soybean will be harmed by Gram pod borer, take immediate precautions

Soybean will be harmed by Gram pod borer
  • The larvae feed on all plant parts but prefer to eat flowers and beans.

  • The black hole appears on the affected pod and larvae appear hanging out of the pod while eating.

  • The tiny larvae feed the chlorophyll by scratching of leaves, which causes the leaves to become skeletal.

  • In the severe stage of infection, the leaf falls down and the plant dies.

    Management of Gram Pod Borer in Soybean:-

  • To control adult pests, use a pheromone trap @ 8-10/acre.

  • First, spray Profenova (Profenofos 50% EC) @ 300 ml/acre + Tricel (Chlorpyrifos 20% EC) @ 500 ml/acre.

  • Second Spray Profenova super (Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC) @ 400 ml/acre + Emanova (Emamectin benzoate 5% SG) @ 80-100 gm/acre.

  • Third spray Ampligo(Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC)@ 100 ml/acre or Larvin (Thiodicarb 75% WP) @ 250 gm/acre.

  • Spray the Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana) @ 250 gm/acre as a biological treatment.

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Management of Fruit borer in chilli

Management of Fruit borer in chilli
  • A circular hole is noticed at the base of the pedicel—the premature dropping of flowers and pods. The fruit turns to white colour.

  • Mainly borer larvae have grown up into the fruits.

  • Early instar larvae by making a circular hole feed on young pods and flower buds. The larvae usually feed the seeds in mature fruit.

  • At the time of feeding the larvae head inside the pod and the rest of the body outside from fruits.

  • To control adult pests, use a pheromone trap @ 8 -10 /acre.

  • First spray Profenova(Profenofos 50% E.C.) @ 300 ml/acre + Tricel (Chlorpyrifos 20% EC) @ 500 ml/acre.

  • Second Spray Profenova (Profenofos 50% EC @ 300 ml/acre + Emanova (Emamectin benzoate 5% SG) @ 80-100 gm/acre.

  • Third spray Emanova (emacactin benzoate 5% SG) @ 80-100 gm/acre + Denitol (fenpropathrin 10% EC) @ 250-300 ml/acre.

  • Fourth spray Ampligo(Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC)@ 100 ml/acre or Larvin (Thiodicarb 75% WP) @ 250 gm/acre.

  • The Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana) @ 250 gm/acre as a biological treatment.

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Protect Soybean crop from Anthracnose or Pod Blight

Protect Soybean crop from Anthracnose or Pod Blight
  • It is a seed and soil-borne disease.

  • If the infected seed is planted, early disease development may result in damping-off (plant death by seed or seedling rot).

  • During the flowering stage of soybean, red to dark brown irregularly shaped spots appear on the stem, petiole and pod.

  • Later these spots get filled with black structures (acervulai) and small thorn-like structures of the fungus.

  • Symptoms of this disease are yellow-brown veins on leaves, curling and falling.

How to control Anthracnose or Pod Blight in Soybean crop:

  • Healthy seeds should be selected for sowing.

  • The seed should be treated with Vitavax(Thiram+Carboxin) @ 2 g/kg of seed before sowing.

  • Continuous sowing in the same plot should be avoided.

  • Spray the crop with Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% +Mancozeb 63% WP)@ 400 Gm/Acre at 10-15 days intervals, first spray be given on the appearance of symptoms.

  • In Several Attacks, spray the crop with Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 200 ml/Acre.

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Importance of Zinc or good crop production

Importance of Zinc or good crop production
  • Zinc is needed strongly for the development of plants. It is one of the eighth essential micronutrients. In India, Zinc (Zn) is now considered the fourth most important yield-limiting nutrient in agricultural crops.

  • Deficiency in Zinc might result in a significant reduction in crop yields and quality. In fact, yield can be reduced by over 20% before any visual symptoms of the deficiency.

  • In plants, Zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and protein synthesis.

  • It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.

  • It is often deficient in alkaline, rocky soil.

  • Young leaves of Zinc deficient plants are small with yellow interveinal mottling.

  • Soil application of Zinc Sulphate @ 20 kg/acre is recommended to reduce the damage.

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Trichoderma’s importance in agriculture

Trichoderma's importance in agriculture
  • Many fungi are found naturally in soil, some of which are harmful while some are beneficial.

  • Trichoderma is one of the beneficial fungi.

  • It is a Bio-fungicide that is very important and useful in agriculture.

  • Trichoderma kills soil-borne diseases like Fusarium, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotium, etc.

  • Helps to prevent diseases affecting crops such as wet rot, root rot, wilt, stem rot, fruit rot, scorching, etc.

  • Trichoderma prevents disease-causing agents and plays an important role in crop development

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Problem and control of Septoria leaf spot in tomato crop

Problem and control of Septoria leaf spot in tomato crop

The development of this disease is more at 25 °C temperature . This fungus can occur at any stage of crop development, but symptoms usually first appear on older leaves and stems when the plant is bearing fruit. In that case the infection is also visible on the  fruit stalk, stem and inflorescence. Due to this, small round watery spots are formed on the leaves. Whose edge is dark brown.

Preventive Measures

For biological control, take spray of Monas-curb @ 500 gm + Combat @ 500gm + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml per acre, @ 150 to 200 liters of water.

Chemical Control 

To control this disease, take a spray of Merivon @ 100 ml + Silicomaxx @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 to 200 Ltr of water.

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Chilli crop will be attacked by sucking insects, be alert

Chilli crop will be attacked by sucking insects

Sucking pests like aphids, jassids, and thrips are the main problem of chilli crops. These pests damage by sucking plant sap from the green part of the plant so the leaves are wrinkled and premature defoliation. Infestation of sucking insects can increase the chances of diseases spread by fungi and viruses.

Therefore, timely control of these insects is necessary:

  • Spray of Profenova (Profenophos 50% EC) @ 400 ml/acre. OR

  • Spray of Asataf (Acephate 75% SP) @ 250 gm/acre. OR

  • Spray of Lamnova (Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% CS) @ 200-250 ml/acre. OR

  • Spray of Fipnova (Fipronil 5% SC) @ 300-350 ml/acre should be done.

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