Happy Holi

रंगों की वर्षा, गुलाल की फुहार

सूरज की किरणें, खुशियों की बौछार

चन्दन की खुशबु, अपनों का प्यार

ग्रामोफ़ोन परिवार की और से

मुबारक हो आपको होली का त्यौहार

नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करके अन्य किसानों के साथ साझा करें।


Control of Aphids on Sponge Gourd and Ridge Gourd

Control of Aphids on Sponge Gourd and Ridge Gourd

  • The affected parts turn yellow, get curled, wrinkle and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Spray dimathoat 30 ml per pump or Imidaclorpid 17.8% SL 10 ml per pump at fortnightly intervals.

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Powdery Mildew of Bottle Gourd

Powdery Mildew of Bottle Gourd

  • White to dirty gray spots or patches appers on leaves which be come white powery as they enlarge.
  • Fortnightly spray hexaconazole 5% SC 300 ml per acre or thiophanate methyl 70% WP 400 gm per acre.

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Control of White fly in Okra

Control of White fly in Okra:-

  • Nymph and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves. The affected leaves curl and dry.
  • The affected plants show stuned growth. White flies are also responsible for transmiting yellow vein mosaic virus or leaf curl disease.
  • Soil application of Carbofuran 3 G 20 Kg/ha at the time of sowing.
  • 4-5 foliar spray of Dimethoat 30 ml/pump or thaimathoxam 5 gm/pump or Acetamiprid 20% SP 15 gm/pump at 10 days interval.

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Irrigation in Coriander

Irrigation in Coriander:-

First irrigation should be given immediately after sowing and the second on the third day and subsequent irrigation at 7-10 days interval.

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Nutrient management in sponge gourd and ridge gourd

Nutrient management in sponge gourd and ridge gourd:-

  • About 20-25 t/ha of FYM should be applied at the time of field preparation.
  • 75 kg Urea, 200 kg single super phosphate and 80 kg murate of potash per hectare is applied at the time of last ploughing.
  • Another 75 kg urea should be top dressed in two split doses one at 8-10 leaf stage and second at flowering stage.

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ग्रामोफोन को बेस्ट एग्री स्टार्टअप अवार्ड

दिनांक 22 फरवरी को नई दिल्ली में भारतीय कृषि एवं खाद्य परिषद व्दारा आयोजित पहले आल इंडिया एग्री स्टार्टअप कन्वेंशन में ग्रामोफ़ोन (एगस्टेक टेक्नोलॉजिस प्रा. लि.) को कृषि क्षेत्र में अपने उल्लेखनीय कार्यों के लिए बेस्ट एग्री स्टार्टअप का अवार्ड माननीय श्री सुरेश प्रभु केन्द्रीय मंत्री, वाणिज्य एवं उद्योग मंत्रालय द्वारा दिया गया|

नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करके अन्य किसानों के साथ साझा करें।


Staking in Tomato

Staking in Tomato:-

  • It is done 2-3 weeks after transplanting.
  • For indeterminate type of tomato, two or three wires are stretched parallel to each other along the row palnts are loosely tied to these wires or other horizontal stakes.
  • The timely stakes plants produce and maintain better quality fruits.

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Season of Planting of Okra

Season of Planting of Okra

  • Okra is sown twice a year in the plains for green pods.
  • June end is sowing time for Kharif crop.
  • February end to March is for spring summer season crop.

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Time of Sowing of Bitter Gourd

Time of sowing of bitter gourd:-

  • Sowing is done January- February for summer crops.
  • Sowing is done during May-June for kharif crop.
  • Sowing is done during September-October for Rabi crop.

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